What are the differences between circle and ellipse in CSS?

The Differences Between Circle and Ellipse in CSS

In CSS, the circle and ellipse shape functions are used to create circular and elliptical shapes, respectively. While they share some similarities, there are distinct differences between the two that are important to understand.


The circle function in CSS is used to create a perfect circle. It takes a single parameter, the radius of the circle, which determines the size of the shape. The syntax for creating a circle in CSS is as follows:

shape-outside: circle(radius);

Here's an example of a circle with a radius of 50 pixels:

.circle {
  float: left;
  shape-outside: circle(50px);
  width: 100px;
  height: 100px;
  background-color: #ccc;

In this example, the shape-outside property is used to define the shape of the content that will wrap around the circle. The width and height properties are set to the same value to ensure a perfect circle.


The ellipse function in CSS is used to create an elliptical shape. It takes two parameters: the radius-x and radius-y, which determine the size of the shape along the x and y axes, respectively. The syntax for creating an ellipse in CSS is as follows:

shape-outside: ellipse(radius-x radius-y);

Here's an example of an ellipse with a radius of 50 pixels along the x-axis and 25 pixels along the y-axis:

.ellipse {
  float: left;
  shape-outside: ellipse(50px 25px);
  width: 100px;
  height: 50px;
  background-color: #ccc;

In this example, the shape-outside property is used to define the shape of the content that will wrap around the ellipse. The width and height properties are set to different values to create an elliptical shape.


The main differences between circle and ellipse in CSS are:

  1. Number of parameters: The circle function takes a single radius parameter, while the ellipse function takes two radius-x and radius-y parameters.
  2. Shape: The circle function creates a perfect circle, while the ellipse function creates an elliptical shape.
  3. Flexibility: The ellipse function provides more flexibility in terms of the shape, as you can create different aspect ratios by adjusting the radius-x and radius-y values.

Here's a Mermaid diagram to visualize the differences:

graph TD A[CSS Shape Functions] B[Circle] C[Ellipse] A --> B A --> C B --> |Single Radius Parameter| D[Perfect Circle] C --> |Radius-X and Radius-Y Parameters| E[Flexible Elliptical Shape]

In summary, the circle function is useful when you need to create a perfect circular shape, while the ellipse function is more flexible and can be used to create a variety of elliptical shapes.


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