How to view the commit history across different branches?

Viewing Commit History Across Different Branches

Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to manage and track changes in their codebase effectively. One of the common tasks developers face is understanding the commit history across different branches in a Git repository. This knowledge can be crucial for debugging, reviewing code changes, and collaborating with team members.

Understand Branch Structure

Before we dive into the commands to view commit history across branches, it's essential to understand the basic structure of branches in a Git repository. Branches in Git are essentially independent lines of development that allow developers to work on different features or bug fixes simultaneously without affecting the main codebase.

graph TD A[Initial Commit] --> B[Feature Branch] A --> C[Bugfix Branch] B --> D[Merge Feature] C --> E[Merge Bugfix] D --> F[Merged Codebase] E --> F

In the diagram above, we have an initial commit (A) that serves as the starting point for the repository. Two branches, "Feature Branch" (B) and "Bugfix Branch" (C), are created from the initial commit. The changes made in these branches are then merged back into the main codebase (F).

View Commit History Across Branches

To view the commit history across different branches, you can use the following Git command:

git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline

Let's break down the different options in this command:

  • --all: This option tells Git to show the commit history for all branches, not just the current branch.
  • --graph: This option adds a text-based graph visualization of the branch structure to the output.
  • --decorate: This option adds the names of branches or tags to the commit output.
  • --oneline: This option displays each commit in a single line, making the output more concise and easier to read.

Here's an example output of the command:

* 1a2b3c4 (HEAD -> main, feature-branch) Merge feature branch
| * 5e6f7g8 Add new feature
| * 9h0i1j2 Implement feature functionality
* | 3k4l5m6 (bugfix-branch) Fix critical bug
* 7n8o9p0 Initial commit

In this output, we can see the commit history across the "main" branch and the "feature-branch" and "bugfix-branch" branches. The graph visualization helps us understand the branching and merging structure of the repository.

Filtering Commit History

Sometimes, you may want to focus on a specific branch or a range of commits. You can use additional options to filter the commit history:

  • To view the commit history for a specific branch:
    git log <branch-name>
  • To view the commit history between two specific commits:
    git log <commit-hash1>..<commit-hash2>
  • To view the commit history for a specific author:
    git log --author="<author-name>"

These filtering options can be combined with the previous command to customize the output and focus on the information you need.

Visualizing Commit History

While the command-line output can be helpful, sometimes a more visual representation of the commit history can be more intuitive. Git provides a built-in tool called gitk that allows you to view the commit history in a graphical user interface (GUI).

To launch gitk, simply run the following command in your terminal:

gitk --all

This will open a window that displays the commit history in a more visually appealing way, making it easier to understand the branching structure and navigate through the commits.


Viewing the commit history across different branches is a crucial skill for any Git user. By understanding the basic branch structure and using the appropriate Git commands, you can effectively navigate and analyze the changes made in your codebase. Remember to experiment with the various options and filtering techniques to tailor the output to your specific needs. With practice, you'll become more proficient in managing and understanding the commit history in your Git repositories.


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