How to replace text in a file using sed?

QuestionsQuestions0 SkillStream Editor SedJul, 25 2024

Using sed to Replace Text in a File

sed (short for "stream editor") is a powerful command-line tool in Linux that can be used to perform various text manipulation tasks, including replacing text in a file. Here's how you can use sed to replace text in a file:

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for using sed to replace text is:

sed 's/search_pattern/replacement_text/g' input_file > output_file

Here's what each part of the command means:

  • s: This tells sed that we want to perform a substitution (replace) operation.
  • search_pattern: This is the text you want to find and replace.
  • replacement_text: This is the text you want to replace the search_pattern with.
  • g: This is an optional flag that tells sed to replace all occurrences of the search_pattern, rather than just the first one.
  • input_file: This is the file you want to perform the replacement in.
  • output_file: This is the file where the modified content will be written. If you don't specify an output file, the changes will be printed to the console.


Let's say you have a file named example.txt with the following content:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy cat.

And you want to replace the word "dog" with "puppy" and the word "cat" with "kitten". You can use the following sed command:

sed 's/dog/puppy/g; s/cat/kitten/g' example.txt > example_modified.txt

This will create a new file named example_modified.txt with the following content:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy puppy.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy kitten.

Here's another example where we want to replace all occurrences of the word "the" with "a":

sed 's/the/a/g' example.txt > example_modified.txt

This will create a new file named example_modified.txt with the following content:

a quick brown fox jumps over a lazy puppy.
a quick brown fox jumps over a lazy kitten.

Visualizing the Replacement Process

Here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the sed replacement process:

graph LR A[Input File] --> B[sed 's/search_pattern/replacement_text/g'] B --> C[Output File] style A fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style B fill:#afa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px style C fill:#faa,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px

In this diagram, the input file is passed to the sed command, which performs the text replacement based on the specified search pattern and replacement text. The modified content is then written to the output file.

By using sed, you can easily and efficiently replace text in files, making it a valuable tool in your Linux toolbox.


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