Query City Names With Country


In this project, you will learn how to execute an equal join query on the `city`, `country`, and `countrylanguage` tables in MySQL. The goal is to retrieve the city name, corresponding country name, and language from these tables.



In this project, you will learn how to execute an equal join query on the city, country, and countrylanguage tables in MySQL. The goal is to retrieve the city name, corresponding country name, and language from these tables.

👀 Preview

MariaDB [world]> SOURCE /home/labex/project/getCountryNameAndLanguage.sql;
| CityName       | CountryName | Language   |
| Oranjestad     | Aruba       | Dutch      |
| Oranjestad     | Aruba       | English    |
| Oranjestad     | Aruba       | Papiamento |
| Oranjestad     | Aruba       | Spanish    |
| Kabul          | Afghanistan | Balochi    |
| Qandahar       | Afghanistan | Balochi    |
| Herat          | Afghanistan | Balochi    |
| Mazar-e-Sharif | Afghanistan | Balochi    |
| Kabul          | Afghanistan | Dari       |
| Qandahar       | Afghanistan | Dari       |
10 rows in set (0.001 sec)

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to access MySQL using the sudo command without a password
  • How to import data from the world.sql script into MySQL
  • How to write an equal join query to retrieve the desired information from the tables
  • How to limit the query results to the first 10 rows

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of SQL joins and how to use them effectively
  • Retrieve data from multiple tables in a relational database
  • Apply SQL queries to filter and limit the results as needed
  • Gain practical experience in working with MySQL databases




Labby is the LabEx teacher.