Query GDP for All Countries


In this project, you will learn how to query the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) data for all countries in the `world` database using MySQL. This project will help you understand how to access and manipulate data in a database, as well as how to use SQL queries to retrieve specific information.



In this project, you will learn how to query the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) data for all countries in the world database using MySQL. This project will help you understand how to access and manipulate data in a database, as well as how to use SQL queries to retrieve specific information.

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to access MySQL using the sudo command without a password
  • How to import data from a SQL file into the MySQL database
  • How to write a SQL query to retrieve the country name and GDP data from the country table
  • How to save and run a SQL script file

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to access and interact with a MySQL database
  • Write SQL queries to retrieve specific data from a database
  • Create and run SQL script files to automate database operations
  • Apply your SQL knowledge to analyze and extract data from a real-world database




Labby is the LabEx teacher.