HTML for Beginners


Learn the fundamentals of HTML, the foundation of web development. This course covers basic HTML tags, creating web page structure, working with images, links, lists, tables, and forms. Explore HTML5 semantic elements and multimedia.


Introduction to HTML for Beginners

Welcome to HTML for Beginners, your starting point for mastering the foundational language of the web! This comprehensive course is meticulously crafted to guide absolute beginners through the essentials of HTML, empowering you to build your own web pages and understand the structure behind every website you visit.

๐Ÿš€ Course Overview

HTML for Beginners offers a structured and hands-on approach to learning HTML. We begin with the very basics, gradually progressing to more advanced concepts, ensuring a solid understanding of how to create and structure web content. Through practical lab exercises, you'll gain real-world experience and build confidence in your HTML skills.

graph LR A[HTML for Beginners]:::main A --> B["HTML Basics"]:::category A --> C["HTML5 Basics"]:::category B --> B1["Create Your First HTML Page in VS Code"]:::item B --> B2["Create Basic HTML Structure and Tags"]:::item B --> B3["Create Your First HTML Page with Image"]:::item B --> B4["Learn HTML Comments and Special Symbols"]:::item B --> B5["Create Hyperlinks and Navigation with HTML a Tags"]:::item B --> B6["Create Inline Text Styling with span Tags in HTML"]:::item B --> B7["Insert and Style Images in HTML"]:::item B --> B8["Create and Style div Elements in HTML"]:::item B --> B9["Create Paragraphs with HTML p Tag"]:::item B --> B10["Understand HTML Heading Tags"]:::item B --> B11["Create HTML Lists with Different Styles"]:::item B --> B12["Create HTML Tables with Basic Attributes"]:::item B --> B13["Create HTML Form Elements with Input Types"]:::item C --> C1["Understand Semantic HTML Tags in Web Development"]:::item C --> C2["Use time Tag for Semantic HTML"]:::item C --> C3["Play Audio Files with HTML5 audio Tag"]:::item C --> C4["Embed and Customize Video in HTML"]:::item classDef main fill:#f3f4f6,stroke:#374151,stroke-width:2px,color:#111827,font-weight:bold; classDef category fill:#e5e7eb,stroke:#d1d5db,stroke-width:1px,color:#374151,font-weight:bold; classDef item fill:#f3f4f6,stroke:#d1d5db,stroke-width:1px,color:#4b5563; linkStyle default stroke:#9ca3af,stroke-width:1px;

๐ŸŽฏ Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Create a basic HTML page and understand its structure.
  2. Utilize fundamental HTML tags for text, images, and links.
  3. Implement different types of HTML lists and tables.
  4. Build HTML forms with various input elements.
  5. Understand and use semantic HTML5 tags for better web page structure.
  6. Embed multimedia content like images, audio, and video in your web pages.
  7. Grasp the concept of inline text styling and block-level elements.
  8. Use comments and special symbols effectively in your HTML code.

๐ŸŒŸ Course Highlights

  • Beginner-Friendly Approach: Designed specifically for individuals with no prior coding experience.
  • Practical Lab Exercises: Hands-on labs reinforce learning and provide practical skills.
  • Comprehensive Coverage of HTML Basics: Covers essential tags, attributes, and structural elements.
  • Introduction to HTML5: Explores new semantic elements and multimedia capabilities.
  • Focus on Core Concepts: Build a strong foundation for further web development studies.

๐Ÿ“š Course Structure

This course is divided into two key stages:

  1. HTML Basics: This stage lays the groundwork for HTML, covering fundamental concepts and essential tags. You'll learn how to create basic web pages, work with text, images, links, lists, tables, and forms. Each lab focuses on a specific aspect of basic HTML.

    • Creating your first HTML page in VS Code.
    • Building the basic structure and understanding core tags.
    • Adding and managing images.
    • Using comments and special symbols.
    • Creating hyperlinks and navigation.
    • Styling text inline.
    • Working with div elements for structure.
    • Creating paragraphs and headings.
    • Building various types of lists.
    • Constructing tables with basic attributes.
    • Designing HTML forms with different input types.
  2. HTML5 Basics: This stage introduces you to the newer features of HTML5, focusing on semantic elements and multimedia integration. You'll learn how to use semantic tags to improve the structure and accessibility of your web pages and how to embed audio and video content.

    • Understanding semantic HTML tags and their importance.
    • Using the <time> tag for semantic dates and times.
    • Embedding and controlling audio using the <audio> tag.
    • Embedding and customizing video using the <video> tag.

๐Ÿ† Why This Course?

HTML for Beginners provides a clear and concise path to learning HTML. Through a series of focused labs, you'll gain practical experience and build a strong understanding of this essential web technology. Whether you aspire to become a web developer, a content creator, or simply want to understand the technology behind the websites you use every day, this course will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to get started. You'll be equipped to create well-structured and functional web pages, setting a solid foundation for your web development journey.




Labby is the LabEx teacher.