How to Run .sh File

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This tutorial will teach you how to run .sh files on a Linux system, covering the basics of shell scripting, including creating, saving, and executing shell scripts. You'll also learn how to pass arguments, use environment variables, and apply best practices for effective shell scripting.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/BasicSyntaxandStructureGroup(["`Basic Syntax and Structure`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/VariableHandlingGroup(["`Variable Handling`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/ControlFlowGroup(["`Control Flow`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/FunctionsandScopeGroup(["`Functions and Scope`"]) shell(("`Shell`")) -.-> shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup(["`Advanced Scripting Concepts`"]) shell/BasicSyntaxandStructureGroup -.-> shell/shebang("`Shebang`") shell/BasicSyntaxandStructureGroup -.-> shell/comments("`Comments`") shell/VariableHandlingGroup -.-> shell/variables_decl("`Variable Declaration`") shell/VariableHandlingGroup -.-> shell/variables_usage("`Variable Usage`") shell/ControlFlowGroup -.-> shell/exit_status("`Exit and Return Status`") shell/FunctionsandScopeGroup -.-> shell/func_def("`Function Definition`") shell/FunctionsandScopeGroup -.-> shell/scope_vars("`Scope of Variables`") shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup -.-> shell/read_input("`Reading Input`") shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup -.-> shell/cmd_substitution("`Command Substitution`") shell/AdvancedScriptingConceptsGroup -.-> shell/adv_redirection("`Advanced Redirection`") subgraph Lab Skills shell/shebang -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/comments -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/variables_decl -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/variables_usage -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/exit_status -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/func_def -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/scope_vars -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/read_input -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/cmd_substitution -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} shell/adv_redirection -.-> lab-391176{{"`How to Run .sh File`"}} end

Introduction to Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a powerful tool that allows you to automate various tasks and streamline your workflow on a Linux or Unix-based operating system. A shell script is a file containing a series of commands that can be executed by the shell, which is the command-line interface that allows you to interact with the operating system.

Shell scripts can be used for a wide range of purposes, such as system administration, file management, network automation, and even simple task automation. By writing shell scripts, you can create custom tools that can save you time and effort, and make your work more efficient.

In this tutorial, we will explore the basics of shell scripting, including how to create, save, and execute shell scripts, as well as how to pass arguments and use environment variables within your scripts. We will also cover best practices for effective shell scripting and provide tips for debugging and troubleshooting your scripts.

Understanding the Purpose of .sh Files

The ".sh" extension is commonly used to denote shell script files. These files contain a series of shell commands that can be executed by the shell interpreter, such as Bash (Bourne-Again SHell), which is the default shell on many Linux distributions.

Shell scripts can be used to automate a wide range of tasks, including:

  • System administration tasks, such as managing user accounts, monitoring system resources, and performing backups.
  • File management tasks, such as renaming, moving, or deleting files and directories.
  • Network automation tasks, such as configuring network settings, managing firewalls, or automating server deployments.
  • Application deployment and configuration tasks, such as installing software packages or setting up web servers.

By writing shell scripts, you can create custom tools that can save you time and effort, and make your work more efficient.

graph TD A[Shell Scripting] --> B[System Administration] A --> C[File Management] A --> D[Network Automation] A --> E[Application Deployment]

Understanding the Purpose of .sh Files

The ".sh" extension is commonly used to denote shell script files, which are text files containing a series of shell commands that can be executed by the shell interpreter, such as Bash (Bourne-Again SHell).

Shell scripts are used to automate a wide range of tasks, including system administration, file management, network automation, and application deployment. By writing shell scripts, you can create custom tools that can save you time and effort, and make your work more efficient.

Some common use cases for shell scripts include:

  1. System Administration: Automating tasks such as managing user accounts, monitoring system resources, and performing backups.
  2. File Management: Automating tasks such as renaming, moving, or deleting files and directories.
  3. Network Automation: Automating tasks such as configuring network settings, managing firewalls, or automating server deployments.
  4. Application Deployment: Automating tasks such as installing software packages or setting up web servers.

Here's an example of a simple shell script that prints a greeting message:

echo "Hello, World!"

In this example, the #!/bin/bash line is called the "shebang" and tells the operating system to use the Bash shell to execute the script. The echo command is used to print the message "Hello, World!" to the console.

To run this script, you would save it to a file with a .sh extension (e.g.,, make the file executable using the chmod command, and then run the script from the command line:

$ chmod +x
$ ./
Hello, World!

By understanding the purpose and common use cases of .sh files, you can start to explore the world of shell scripting and automate various tasks on your Linux or Unix-based system.

Creating and Saving Shell Scripts

Creating a shell script is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to create and save a shell script:

Creating a Shell Script

  1. Open a text editor on your Linux or Unix-based system. Popular options include Vim, Emacs, or Nano.
  2. In the text editor, start your script with the "shebang" line, which tells the operating system which shell to use to execute the script. For Bash scripts, the shebang line is #!/bin/bash.
  3. Add the shell commands you want to include in your script. These can be any valid Bash commands, such as echo, mkdir, cp, mv, and so on.
  4. Save the file with a .sh extension, such as

Here's an example of a simple shell script that creates a directory and then moves a file into that directory:


## Create a new directory
mkdir my_directory

## Move a file into the new directory
mv file.txt my_directory/

Saving a Shell Script

Once you have created your shell script, you need to save it to a location on your system. The location can be anywhere, but it's common to save scripts in a directory like /home/username/bin or /usr/local/bin.

If you save your script in a directory that is not in your system's $PATH environment variable, you will need to either add the directory to your $PATH or specify the full path to the script when you run it.

For example, if you save the script to /home/username/bin/, you can run it using the following command:

$ /home/username/bin/

Alternatively, if you add the /home/username/bin directory to your $PATH, you can run the script using the following command:


By following these steps, you can create and save your own custom shell scripts to automate various tasks on your Linux or Unix-based system.

Granting Execution Permissions

In order to execute a shell script, you need to grant the necessary permissions to the file. By default, new files created on a Linux or Unix-based system do not have the execute permission set, which means you cannot run the script directly.

To grant the execute permission to a shell script, you can use the chmod command, which stands for "change mode". The basic syntax for the chmod command is:

chmod [permissions] [file]

Here, the [permissions] part specifies the permissions you want to set, and the [file] part is the name of the file or script you want to modify.

For shell scripts, you typically want to grant the execute permission to the owner of the file. You can do this using the following command:

chmod +x [script_name].sh

The +x option adds the execute permission to the file.

Here's an example:

$ ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 user user 42 Apr 12 12:34
$ chmod +x
$ ls -l
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 42 Apr 12 12:34

In the example above, we first list the file permissions using ls -l, which shows that the file does not have the execute permission set. We then use chmod +x to add the execute permission, and list the file permissions again to verify the change.

Now that the script has the execute permission, you can run it directly from the command line using the following syntax:

$ ./

Granting the execute permission is a crucial step in making your shell scripts executable and ready to use.

Executing Shell Scripts from the Command Line

Once you have created a shell script and granted the necessary execution permissions, you can run the script from the command line. There are a few different ways to execute a shell script, depending on the location of the script and your system's configuration.

Executing a Script in the Current Directory

If the shell script is located in the current working directory, you can execute it using the following syntax:

$ ./

The ./ prefix tells the shell to look for the script in the current directory.

Executing a Script in a Different Directory

If the shell script is located in a different directory, you can either navigate to that directory and execute the script, or specify the full path to the script:

$ cd /path/to/directory
$ ./

$ /path/to/directory/

Executing a Script Using the Absolute Path

If the directory containing the script is not in your system's $PATH environment variable, you can execute the script using the absolute path:

$ /full/path/to/

This method ensures that the shell can locate the script, regardless of your current working directory.

Executing a Script Using the bash Command

Alternatively, you can execute a shell script by explicitly calling the Bash shell and passing the script as an argument:

$ bash

This method can be useful if you need to execute a script that doesn't have the execute permission set, or if you want to test a script without making it executable.

By understanding these different methods for executing shell scripts from the command line, you can easily run your custom scripts and automate various tasks on your Linux or Unix-based system.

Passing Arguments to Shell Scripts

In addition to the shell commands and logic within a script, you can also pass arguments to a shell script when you execute it. These arguments can be used to make your scripts more flexible and dynamic, allowing them to handle different inputs or configurations.

Accessing Script Arguments

Within a shell script, you can access the arguments passed to the script using special variables. The first argument is stored in the $1 variable, the second argument is stored in the $2 variable, and so on. The $0 variable contains the name of the script itself.

Here's an example script that demonstrates how to access and use script arguments:


echo "Script name: $0"
echo "First argument: $1"
echo "Second argument: $2"

To run this script and pass arguments, you would use the following command:

$ ./ hello world

This would output:

Script name: ./
First argument: hello
Second argument: world

Handling Optional Arguments

Sometimes, you may want to make certain arguments optional in your shell script. You can achieve this by checking if the argument is provided before using it.

Here's an example:


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "No first argument provided. Using default value."

echo "First argument: $first_arg"

In this script, if the first argument is not provided, the script will use a default value instead.

Passing Arguments with Spaces or Special Characters

If you need to pass arguments that contain spaces or special characters, you can enclose the argument in single or double quotes. This ensures that the shell treats the entire argument as a single value.


echo "Argument with spaces: '$1'"
echo "Argument with special characters: '$2'"

To run this script with arguments containing spaces and special characters:

$ ./ "hello world" ""

This will output:

Argument with spaces: 'hello world'
Argument with special characters: ''

By understanding how to pass arguments to shell scripts, you can make your scripts more versatile and adaptable to different use cases.

Using Environment Variables in Shell Scripts

Environment variables are a set of named values that are available to the shell and any processes or applications running within that shell. These variables can be used to store and retrieve information that is relevant to the system or the user's environment.

In shell scripts, you can access and use environment variables to make your scripts more flexible and adaptable.

Accessing Environment Variables

To access an environment variable within a shell script, you can use the $ symbol followed by the variable name. For example, to access the HOME environment variable, you would use $HOME.

Here's an example script that demonstrates how to access and use an environment variable:


echo "User's home directory: $HOME"

When you run this script, it will output the value of the HOME environment variable, which typically represents the user's home directory.

Setting Environment Variables

You can also set environment variables within a shell script. This can be useful for storing configuration settings or other values that you want to use throughout the script.

To set an environment variable, you can use the following syntax:


Here's an example:


## Set an environment variable
MY_VARIABLE="hello world"

echo "The value of MY_VARIABLE is: $MY_VARIABLE"

When you run this script, it will output the value of the MY_VARIABLE environment variable.

Exporting Environment Variables

If you want to make an environment variable available to other processes or scripts, you can "export" the variable. This ensures that the variable is available in the shell's environment and can be accessed by child processes.

To export an environment variable, you can use the following syntax:

export variable_name="value"

Here's an example:


## Set and export an environment variable
export MY_VARIABLE="hello world"

## Child script can access the exported variable

By understanding how to use environment variables in shell scripts, you can make your scripts more powerful and adaptable to different environments or configurations.

Debugging and Troubleshooting Shell Scripts

As you write and execute shell scripts, you may encounter various issues or errors. Debugging and troubleshooting these scripts is an essential skill for shell script developers. Here are some techniques and tools that can help you identify and resolve problems in your shell scripts.

Using the set Command

The set command in Bash can be used to enable or disable various shell options that can help with debugging. Some useful options include:

  • set -x: Enables the "xtrace" mode, which prints each command before it is executed, along with the values of any variables used in the command.
  • set -e: Causes the script to exit immediately if any command returns a non-zero exit status (i.e., an error).
  • set -u: Causes the script to exit immediately if an unset variable is used.

You can include these set commands at the beginning of your script to enable the desired debugging options.

Printing Debug Messages

Another useful technique for debugging shell scripts is to add echo statements throughout your script to print debug messages. These messages can help you understand the flow of execution and identify where any issues might be occurring.

For example, you can add echo statements to print the values of variables or the results of commands:


echo "Starting script..."
echo "Value of variable: $my_variable"
## Other script commands
echo "Script completed."

Using the bash -n Option

The bash -n option allows you to "dry run" a shell script without actually executing it. This can be useful for identifying syntax errors or other issues in your script before running it.

To use this option, run your script with the following command:

$ bash -n

This will parse the script and report any syntax errors, but it won't actually execute the script.

Utilizing the bash -x Option

Similar to the set -x command, the bash -x option enables the "xtrace" mode when running a shell script. This will print each command before it is executed, along with the values of any variables used in the command.

To use this option, run your script with the following command:

$ bash -x

This can be a powerful tool for understanding the flow of execution and identifying the root cause of any issues in your script.

By using these debugging and troubleshooting techniques, you can more effectively identify and resolve problems in your shell scripts, ensuring they run smoothly and reliably.

Best Practices for Effective Shell Scripting

As you become more experienced with shell scripting, it's important to adopt best practices that can help you write more reliable, maintainable, and efficient scripts. Here are some recommendations:

Use Consistent Coding Style

Maintain a consistent coding style throughout your scripts, including:

  • Indentation (e.g., using 4 spaces per indent level)
  • Variable naming conventions (e.g., using lowercase with underscores)
  • Placement of comments and documentation

This will make your scripts easier to read and understand, both for yourself and for others who may need to work on them.

Add Meaningful Comments

Include comments in your scripts to explain the purpose of the script, the function of specific sections, and any important decisions or assumptions. This will help you and others understand the logic and intent of the script in the future.

Handle Errors Gracefully

Implement error handling in your scripts to ensure they can recover from unexpected situations. Use the set -e option to exit the script on any command that returns a non-zero exit status, and provide informative error messages to help identify and resolve issues.

Use Functions to Organize Code

Break your script into smaller, reusable functions that perform specific tasks. This will make your code more modular, easier to maintain, and more flexible for future modifications.

Parameterize Your Scripts

Use command-line arguments and environment variables to make your scripts more versatile and adaptable to different environments or use cases. This will allow you to write scripts that can be easily reused and shared.

Test Your Scripts Thoroughly

Before deploying your scripts, test them thoroughly with a variety of inputs and scenarios to ensure they behave as expected. Use the debugging techniques covered earlier to identify and fix any issues.

Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

When running shell scripts, always use the minimum required permissions and privileges to perform the necessary tasks. This will help reduce the risk of unintended consequences or security vulnerabilities.

By following these best practices, you can write more robust, maintainable, and effective shell scripts that will serve you well in your automation and system administration tasks.


By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a solid understanding of how to run .sh files and leverage the power of shell scripting to automate various tasks on your Linux system. You'll be equipped with the knowledge and techniques to write reliable, maintainable, and efficient shell scripts.

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