Linux Group Adding

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Welcome to the future: a super-technological urban sprawl where every bit and byte matters. Here, in this bustling nexus of progress, you have been assigned the role of a Virtual Reality (VR) Designer. Your task is to architect immersive environments that will be used for cutting-edge research and development.

To manage the various software tools and file permissions effectively, you must master the art of group management in Linux. Why groups, one may ask? By organizing users into groups, you can grant collective permissions, ensuring that the right set of eyes and hands have access to sensitive design files, all while maintaining a secure and organized virtual workspace.

Your ultimate goal is to set up a Linux environment tailored for a team of VR designers, ensuring they can collaborate without a hitch by leveraging the groupadd command and group management skills.

Let's dive into your first task as a Virtual Reality Designer wizard in the super-technological city.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup(["`User and Group Management`"]) linux/UserandGroupManagementGroup -.-> linux/groupadd("`Group Adding`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/groupadd -.-> lab-271293{{"`Linux Group Adding`"}} end

Creating a New Group

In this step, you'll be creating a new group for your VR design team. This allows all members of the team to access certain shared resources. We will use the groupadd command to achieve this. Make sure you're at the root directory of the project by navigating to /home/labex/project. From the terminal, execute the following command to create a group named "vr_designers".

sudo groupadd vr_designers

This command creates a new group called "vr_designers". You can verify the group creation by checking the content of the /etc/group file for an entry named "vr_designers", using the grep command.

grep "vr_designers" /etc/group

The expected result should show the group name followed by a list of associated user IDs if any have been added to the group.

Adding Users to the Group

Now that the "vr_designers" group exists, it's time to add users to the group. Let's assume you have a few users named user1, user2, and user3 who are part of your VR design team. You will add them to the vr_designers group with the usermod command.

Navigate to the project directory ~/project, and run the commands below to add each user to the group:

sudo usermod -a -G vr_designers user1
sudo usermod -a -G vr_designers user2
sudo usermod -a -G vr_designers user3

The -a option appends the user to the group, and the -G option specifies the name of the group. Check that the users have been added correctly with the groups command:

groups user1 user2 user3

Each command should list vr_designers as one of the groups for the user.


In this lab you learned how to manage user groups in a Linux environment, a fundamental skill for any system administrator, especially in the context of a technology-centric metropolis. The lab walked you through creating a group and adding users to it, simulating the real-world tasks of a VR designer responsible for managing access controls in a collaborative project.

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