Java Float doubleValue Method

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In Java, the doubleValue() is a method of the Float class that returns the numerical equivalent of a Float object after converting it into a double type. This lab will guide you through the steps of using the doubleValue() method in Java.

Skills Graph

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Create a Java class

Create a Java class named FloatDoubleValue using the below command:


Import required packages

Import the required package java.lang.Float using the import statement at the beginning of the code:

import java.lang.Float;

Implement the doubleValue() method

Create an instance of Float class and pass a float value to it. Then use the doubleValue() method to convert the Float object to a double type.

Float x = 99.12f;
double i=x.doubleValue();
System.out.println("Equivalent double value is " +i);

Execute the program

Compile the program using the below command:


Run the program using the below command:

java FloatDoubleValue

You will see the output on the terminal:

Equivalent double value is 99.12000274658203


In this lab, you learned how to use the doubleValue() method of the Float class to convert a Float object into its numerical double equivalent. You also learned how to create a Java class, import required packages, implement the doubleValue() method, and execute the Java program in the terminal.

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