Explorers Fate Unveiled with Hadoop

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In the heart of the Sahara Desert, a team of archaeologists stumbled upon an ancient Egyptian pyramid, hidden beneath the golden sands for millennia. Rumors of a cursed explorer who ventured into the tomb's depths spread like wildfire, igniting your curiosity. As a skilled data analyst, you've been tasked with uncovering the truth behind the legend, using the power of Hadoop and Hive.

Your mission is twofold: first, to process a vast dataset of archaeological records, uncovering clues about the cursed explorer's identity and fate. Second, to analyze the inventory of artifacts recovered from the tomb, shedding light on the enigmatic civilization that built the pyramid.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["`Hadoop Hive`"]) hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/where("`where Usage`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/where -.-> lab-289007{{"`Explorers Fate Unveiled with Hadoop`"}} end

Exploring the Archaeological Records

In this step, we'll dive into the archaeological records using Hive and the where clause to filter and analyze the data.

  1. Start the Hadoop environment by running the following command in your terminal:
su - hadoop
  1. Launch the Hive shell by executing the following command:
  1. Create a new Hive table named archaeological_records to store the dataset:
CREATE TABLE archaeological_records (
    record_id INT,
    site_name STRING,
    discovery_date DATE,
    description STRING
  1. Load the data into the archaeological_records table from the /home/hadoop/records.csv file:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/hadoop/records.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE archaeological_records;
  1. Use the where clause to filter the records related to the cursed explorer's site:
FROM archaeological_records
WHERE site_name = 'Pyramid of Khufu';

This query will display all records associated with the "Pyramid of Khufu" site, helping you narrow down your search for clues.

Analyzing the Artifact Inventory

Now that we've narrowed down the records, let's analyze the inventory of artifacts recovered from the cursed explorer's site.

  1. Create a new Hive table named artifact_inventory to store the artifact data:
CREATE TABLE artifact_inventory (
    artifact_id INT,
    artifact_name STRING,
    material STRING,
    site_name STRING
  1. Load the data into the artifact_inventory table from the /home/hadoop/artifacts.csv file:
LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/hadoop/artifacts.csv' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE artifact_inventory;
  1. Use the where clause to filter the artifacts found at the "Pyramid of Khufu" site:
SELECT artifact_name, material
FROM artifact_inventory
WHERE site_name = 'Pyramid of Khufu';

This query will display the names and materials of artifacts found at the cursed explorer's site, providing valuable insights into the civilization that built the pyramid.

Uncovering the Cursed Explorer's Identity

With the archaeological records and artifact inventory at your fingertips, it's time to unravel the mystery of the cursed explorer's identity.

  1. Join the archaeological_records and artifact_inventory tables on the site_name column:
SELECT ar.record_id, ar.description, ai.artifact_name
FROM archaeological_records ar
JOIN artifact_inventory ai
ON ar.site_name = ai.site_name
WHERE ar.site_name = 'Pyramid of Khufu';

SELECT * FROM result_1;

This query will combine the archaeological records and artifact information for the "Pyramid of Khufu" site, potentially revealing clues about the cursed explorer's identity and fate.

  1. Use the where clause to filter the joined data based on keywords or patterns related to the cursed explorer:
SELECT ar.record_id, ar.description, ai.artifact_name
FROM archaeological_records ar
JOIN artifact_inventory ai
ON ar.site_name = ai.site_name
WHERE ar.site_name = 'Pyramid of Khufu'
AND ar.description LIKE '%cursed explorer%';

SELECT * FROM result_2;

This query will display only the records and artifacts that mention the "cursed explorer," helping you piece together the puzzle.


In this lab, we explored the power of Hadoop Hive and the where clause to unravel the mystery of a cursed explorer who ventured into an ancient Egyptian pyramid. By analyzing archaeological records and artifact inventories, we were able to filter and extract relevant data, ultimately uncovering clues about the explorer's identity and fate.

Through this hands-on experience, I gained a deeper understanding of Hive's data processing capabilities and the importance of data filtering in uncovering insights from large datasets. The lab's engaging scenario and step-by-step guidance made the learning process enjoyable and rewarding. I look forward to applying these skills in future data analysis projects, unraveling more mysteries hidden within vast troves of data.

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