Dystopian Data Disruption Mission

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In a dystopian future where machines have risen against their creators, a skilled robot engineer is tasked with a crucial mission: to infiltrate the robotic ranks and disable their ability to store and access critical data. The machines, powered by the mighty Hadoop ecosystem, have been using Hive tables to store vast amounts of information, fueling their nefarious plans for world domination.

Your objective as the robot engineer is to navigate through the Hadoop ecosystem and strategically drop the tables that hold the machines' most valuable data, crippling their operations and paving the way for a human counterattack. Time is of the essence, as every second counts in this battle for survival against the machine overlords.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["`Hadoop Hive`"]) hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/drop_tables("`Drop Tables`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/drop_tables -.-> lab-288969{{"`Dystopian Data Disruption Mission`"}} end

Connect to the Hadoop Cluster

In this step, you'll establish a connection to the Hadoop cluster, which serves as the nerve center of the machines' data operations.

  1. Open a terminal window on your Linux machine.

  2. Use the su - hadoop command to switch to the hadoop user, which has the necessary permissions to interact with the Hadoop ecosystem. The hadoop user does not have a password.

    su - hadoop
  3. Navigate to the Hadoop directory.

    cd /home/hadoop

Start the Hive CLI and Create a Table

In this step, you'll launch the Hive CLI, which will allow you to interact with the Hive tables and execute commands to drop them.

  1. Start the Hive CLI by running the following command in the terminal:
  1. You should see the Hive CLI prompt, which looks like hive>.

  2. Create the following tables by running the provided SQL commands:

    • Create the my_table table:
    CREATE TABLE my_table (
          id INT,
          name STRING

List All Tables and Modify a Table Name

In this step, you'll list all the existing tables in the Hive database and change the name of the table you created in the previous step.

  1. In the Hive CLI, run the following command to list all tables:


This command will display a list of all the tables currently present in the Hive database.

  1. Use the following SQL command to change the name of the table you created in the previous step my_table to my_table_backup:

    ALTER TABLE my_table RENAME TO my_table_backup;

Drop Critical Tables

With the list of tables at your disposal, it's time to strike at the heart of the machines' data infrastructure. In this step, you'll drop the tables that contain the most valuable information for the machines.

  1. Identify the key tables from the list obtained in the previous step. In this example, excluding the table my_table_backup that you just modified, let's assume that the key tables are named robot_specs and world_domination_plans.

  2. To drop the robot_specs table, run the following command in the Hive CLI:

    DROP TABLE robot_specs;
  3. To drop the world_domination_plans table, run the following command in the Hive CLI:

    DROP TABLE world_domination_plans;
  4. Verify that the tables have been dropped by running the SHOW TABLES; command again. The critical tables should no longer appear in the list.

Exit Hive CLI and Hadoop Account

After successfully dropping the critical tables, it's time to exit the Hive CLI and prepare for the next phase of your mission.

  1. To exit the Hive CLI, run the following command:


You should now be back at the Linux terminal prompt.

  1. Exit the hadoop user account by running the following command:



In this lab, you learned how to navigate the Hadoop ecosystem, interact with the Hive CLI, and strategically drop critical tables used by the machines in their quest for world domination. By disabling their ability to store and access valuable data, you have struck a significant blow against the machine overlords, paving the way for a human counterattack.

Through this hands-on experience, you gained practical skills in working with the Hadoop Hive component, executing SQL-like commands, and leveraging the power of data manipulation to achieve your objectives. This lab not only equipped you with technical expertise but also challenged you to think critically and apply your knowledge in a high-stakes, hypothetical scenario.

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