Docker: Understanding ARG Syntax in Dockerfile

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This tutorial provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and working with ARG (build argument) variables in Docker Dockerfiles. You will learn the syntax for defining ARG variables, how to access and use them throughout the build process, and best practices for effective ARG usage. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to create more flexible and customizable Dockerfiles that can adapt to different requirements or environments.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/DockerfileGroup(["`Dockerfile`"]) docker/DockerfileGroup -.-> docker/build("`Build Image from Dockerfile`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/build -.-> lab-390508{{"`Docker: Understanding ARG Syntax in Dockerfile`"}} end

Introduction to Docker ARG

Docker ARG is a build-time environment variable that can be used to pass values to a Dockerfile during the build process. ARG variables are defined within the Dockerfile and can be accessed and used throughout the build process. They provide a way to make your Dockerfiles more flexible and dynamic, allowing you to customize the build process based on specific requirements or runtime conditions.

Understanding the role of ARG in Docker is crucial for building robust and adaptable Docker images. ARG variables can be used to parameterize various aspects of the Dockerfile, such as base image selection, software versions, build-time configurations, and more. By leveraging ARG, you can create Dockerfiles that can be easily reused and adapted to different environments or use cases.

In this tutorial, we will explore the syntax and usage of ARG in Dockerfiles, covering topics such as defining ARG variables, accessing and using their values, overriding ARG at build time, best practices, and comparing ARG with ENV variables. We will also discuss how to secure ARG variables, utilize ARG in multi-stage builds, and troubleshoot common ARG-related issues.

By the end of this guide, you will have a comprehensive understanding of Docker ARG and how to effectively leverage it to create more flexible and maintainable Docker images.

Understanding ARG Syntax in Dockerfile

The syntax for defining ARG variables in a Dockerfile is straightforward. You can declare an ARG variable using the ARG keyword, followed by the variable name and an optional default value.

The basic syntax for defining an ARG variable is:

ARG <name>[=<default value>]

Here's an example:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

In this example, we define two ARG variables: APP_VERSION with a default value of 1.0.0, and BASE_IMAGE with a default value of ubuntu:20.04.

You can also define multiple ARG variables on a single line, separated by a space:

ARG APP_VERSION=1.0.0 BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

Once an ARG variable is defined, you can use it throughout the Dockerfile, including in FROM, COPY, ENV, and other instructions. The ARG variable will be substituted with its value during the build process.

It's important to note that ARG variables are only available during the build process and are not persisted in the final Docker image. If you need to make a value available at runtime, you should use the ENV instruction instead.

To demonstrate the usage of ARG in a Dockerfile, let's consider the following example:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04


CMD ["python", ""]

In this example, we define two ARG variables: BASE_IMAGE and APP_VERSION. The BASE_IMAGE variable is used in the FROM instruction to specify the base image, and the APP_VERSION variable is used to set an environment variable APP_VERSION in the final image.

By understanding the syntax and usage of ARG in Dockerfiles, you can create more flexible and dynamic Docker images that can be easily adapted to different requirements or environments.

Defining ARG Variables in Dockerfile

Declaring ARG Variables

To define an ARG variable in a Dockerfile, you can use the ARG instruction. The basic syntax is:

ARG <name>[=<default value>]

Here's an example:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

In this example, we define two ARG variables: APP_VERSION with a default value of 1.0.0, and BASE_IMAGE with a default value of ubuntu:20.04.

Multiple ARG Declarations

You can also define multiple ARG variables on a single line, separated by a space:

ARG APP_VERSION=1.0.0 BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

This is a more concise way of declaring multiple ARG variables in your Dockerfile.

Accessing ARG Variables

Once an ARG variable is defined, you can use it throughout the Dockerfile, including in FROM, COPY, ENV, and other instructions. The ARG variable will be substituted with its value during the build process.

Here's an example of using an ARG variable in the FROM instruction:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

## Rest of the Dockerfile

In this case, the ${BASE_IMAGE} variable will be replaced with the value of the BASE_IMAGE ARG during the build process.

Default Values for ARG

If you don't provide a default value for an ARG variable, it will be treated as an optional variable. You can then set the value of the ARG variable when running the docker build command.

For example:

FROM ${BASE_IMAGE:-ubuntu:20.04}

## Rest of the Dockerfile

In this case, if the BASE_IMAGE ARG is not provided during the build, it will default to ubuntu:20.04.

By understanding how to define and use ARG variables in your Dockerfiles, you can create more flexible and reusable Docker images that can be easily adapted to different environments or requirements.

Accessing and Using ARG Values

Once you have defined ARG variables in your Dockerfile, you can access and use their values throughout the build process. This allows you to make your Dockerfiles more dynamic and adaptable to different requirements or environments.

Accessing ARG Values

You can access the value of an ARG variable by using the ${variable_name} syntax. This is similar to how you would access environment variables in a shell script.

For example, let's say you have defined the following ARG variables in your Dockerfile:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

You can then use these ARG variables in other instructions, such as FROM and ENV:


## Rest of the Dockerfile

In this example, the ${BASE_IMAGE} and ${APP_VERSION} variables will be replaced with their respective values during the build process.

Using ARG Values

You can use ARG values in various parts of your Dockerfile, including:

  1. Base Image Selection: As shown in the previous example, you can use an ARG variable to specify the base image for your Docker image.
  2. Environment Variables: You can set environment variables using the ENV instruction and reference ARG values, as demonstrated above.
  3. Copy and Add Instructions: You can use ARG values in COPY and ADD instructions to specify source or destination paths.
  4. Build Arguments: You can pass ARG values as build arguments when running the docker build command.

By leveraging ARG values in your Dockerfile, you can create more flexible and reusable Docker images that can be easily adapted to different requirements or environments.

Example Dockerfile

Here's an example Dockerfile that demonstrates the usage of ARG variables:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04



CMD ["python", ""]

In this example, we define two ARG variables: BASE_IMAGE and APP_VERSION. We then use these variables in the FROM instruction to specify the base image and in the ENV instruction to set an environment variable APP_VERSION in the final image.

By understanding how to access and use ARG values in your Dockerfiles, you can create more dynamic and adaptable Docker images that can be tailored to different use cases or environments.

Overriding ARG at Docker Build Time

One of the key benefits of using ARG variables in a Dockerfile is the ability to override their values at build time. This allows you to customize the build process and the resulting Docker image based on specific requirements or runtime conditions.

Overriding ARG during docker build

To override the value of an ARG variable during the docker build command, you can use the --build-arg flag. The syntax is as follows:

docker build --build-arg <name>=<value> -t <image_name> .

For example, let's say you have the following Dockerfile:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04



CMD ["python", ""]

You can override the values of BASE_IMAGE and APP_VERSION when running the docker build command:

docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye --build-arg APP_VERSION=2.0.0 -t my-app .

In this example, the BASE_IMAGE and APP_VERSION ARG variables will be set to debian:bullseye and 2.0.0, respectively, during the build process.

Overriding Multiple ARGs

You can also override multiple ARG variables in a single docker build command by providing multiple --build-arg flags:

docker build --build-arg BASE_IMAGE=debian:bullseye --build-arg APP_VERSION=2.0.0 --build-arg SOME_OTHER_ARG=value -t my-app .

This allows you to customize various aspects of the build process based on your specific requirements.

Precedence of ARG Values

It's important to note that the order of precedence for ARG values is as follows:

  1. Value provided by the --build-arg flag during docker build
  2. Default value specified in the Dockerfile
  3. No value (treated as an empty string)

This means that if you provide a value for an ARG variable using the --build-arg flag, it will take precedence over the default value specified in the Dockerfile.

By understanding how to override ARG values at build time, you can create more flexible and adaptable Docker images that can be easily customized to different environments or use cases.

Best Practices for Effective ARG Usage

To ensure that you get the most out of ARG variables in your Dockerfiles, here are some best practices to follow:

Define ARG Variables Early

Define your ARG variables at the beginning of your Dockerfile, before any other instructions. This ensures that the variables are available throughout the entire build process.

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

## Rest of the Dockerfile

Use Descriptive ARG Names

Choose ARG variable names that are descriptive and meaningful. This makes your Dockerfile more readable and easier to maintain.

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

Provide Default Values for ARG

Whenever possible, provide default values for your ARG variables. This ensures that your Dockerfile can still be built even if the ARG values are not provided during the docker build command.

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04

Avoid Sensitive Information in ARG

Do not store sensitive information, such as passwords or API keys, in ARG variables. Instead, use the ENV instruction or other secure methods to handle sensitive data.

Document ARG Usage

Document the purpose and expected values for each ARG variable in your Dockerfile. This helps other developers understand how to use and customize your Dockerfile.

Limit the Scope of ARG

Use ARG variables only where necessary. Avoid overusing ARG variables, as this can make your Dockerfile more complex and harder to maintain.

Validate ARG Values

Consider adding validation checks for your ARG variables to ensure that the provided values are valid and meet your requirements.

By following these best practices, you can create more maintainable, flexible, and secure Dockerfiles that leverage the power of ARG variables effectively.

Comparing ARG and ENV: Differences and Use Cases

While both ARG and ENV are used to define variables in a Dockerfile, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Understanding the differences between ARG and ENV is crucial for effectively managing your Docker build and runtime environments.

Key Differences

  1. Build-time vs. Runtime: ARG variables are only available during the build process, while ENV variables are available both during the build and at runtime in the running container.
  2. Default Values: ARG variables can have default values, while ENV variables do not have default values and must be explicitly set.
  3. Overriding: ARG values can be overridden at build time using the --build-arg flag, while ENV values can be overridden at runtime using environment variables or the docker run command.
  4. Persistence: ARG variables are not persisted in the final Docker image, while ENV variables are stored in the image and available at runtime.

Use Cases


  • Parameterizing the build process, such as base image selection, software versions, or build-time configurations.
  • Providing flexibility and customization options for your Dockerfiles.
  • Avoiding the need to hard-code values in your Dockerfiles.


  • Defining environment variables that should be available at runtime in the container.
  • Passing configuration settings or other runtime-specific information to the application running in the container.
  • Ensuring that environment-specific values are available in the final Docker image.

Example Comparison

Let's consider the following Dockerfile:

ARG BASE_IMAGE=ubuntu:20.04



CMD ["python", ""]

In this example:

  • BASE_IMAGE and APP_VERSION are ARG variables, which can be overridden at build time.
  • APP_VERSION and LOG_LEVEL are ENV variables, which will be available at runtime in the container.

By understanding the differences and use cases of ARG and ENV, you can create more flexible and maintainable Dockerfiles that can adapt to different build and runtime requirements.

Securing ARG Variables in Dockerfile

When working with ARG variables in your Dockerfiles, it's important to consider security implications and take appropriate measures to protect sensitive information.

Avoid Storing Sensitive Data in ARG

One of the primary security concerns with ARG variables is the risk of accidentally exposing sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, or other credentials. ARG variables are available during the build process and can be easily accessed or inspected.

To mitigate this risk, it's recommended to avoid storing any sensitive data in ARG variables. Instead, use more secure methods, such as:

  1. ENV Variables: Use ENV instructions to define and store sensitive information in the Dockerfile. ENV variables are persisted in the final Docker image and can be managed more securely.
  2. Build Secrets: Utilize Docker's build-time secrets feature to securely pass sensitive information to the build process. This feature allows you to store and access sensitive data without exposing it in the Dockerfile.
  3. External Configuration: Store sensitive information in external configuration files or environment variables, and reference them in your Dockerfile as needed.

Limit ARG Visibility

Another security consideration is the visibility of ARG variables during the build process. By default, ARG variables are visible in the build logs and can be inspected using tools like docker history.

To limit the visibility of sensitive ARG variables, you can use the --no-cache flag when running the docker build command. This will prevent the build cache from being used, effectively hiding the sensitive ARG values from the build logs.

docker build --no-cache --build-arg SENSITIVE_ARG=value -t my-image .

Use Secure Build Environments

Ensure that your Docker build environment is secure and trusted. Avoid running Docker builds on untrusted or public systems, as this could lead to the exposure of sensitive information, including ARG values.

Consider using a secure and isolated build environment, such as a private CI/CD pipeline or a trusted build server, to perform your Docker builds.

By following these best practices for securing ARG variables in your Dockerfiles, you can mitigate the risks of exposing sensitive information and maintain the overall security of your Docker build process.

ARG in Multi-Stage Docker Builds

Multi-stage Docker builds are a powerful feature that allows you to create more efficient and optimized Docker images by separating the build process into multiple stages. ARG variables play a crucial role in multi-stage builds, enabling you to pass values between stages and customize the build process.

Understanding Multi-Stage Builds

In a multi-stage build, a Dockerfile can contain multiple FROM instructions, each representing a different stage of the build process. Each stage can have its own set of instructions, dependencies, and output artifacts.

The key benefit of using multi-stage builds is the ability to create a smaller and more optimized final Docker image by only including the necessary components, while keeping the build process organized and maintainable.

Using ARG in Multi-Stage Builds

ARG variables can be used to pass values between the different stages of a multi-stage build. This allows you to share common configuration or build-time information across stages, making your Dockerfiles more modular and reusable.

Here's an example of a multi-stage Dockerfile that uses ARG variables:

## Build stage
FROM golang:1.16 AS builder
COPY . .
RUN go build -o app -ldflags "-X main.version=${APP_VERSION}"

## Runtime stage
FROM ubuntu:20.04
COPY --from=builder /app/app .
CMD ["./app"]

In this example, we have two stages:

  1. The "builder" stage, where we use the ARG instruction to define the APP_VERSION variable and then build the Go application.
  2. The "runtime" stage, where we copy the built application from the previous stage and run it.

By using the same ARG variable name (APP_VERSION) across the stages, we can ensure that the version information is consistently applied throughout the build process.

Accessing ARG Values Across Stages

To access an ARG variable defined in a previous stage, you can use the --build-arg flag when running the docker build command. This allows you to override the value of the ARG variable for the entire multi-stage build process.

docker build --build-arg APP_VERSION=2.0.0 -t my-app .

In this example, the APP_VERSION ARG variable will be set to 2.0.0 for both the "builder" and "runtime" stages.

By leveraging ARG variables in multi-stage Docker builds, you can create more flexible, modular, and efficient Dockerfiles that can adapt to different requirements or environments.

Troubleshooting Common ARG Issues

While working with ARG variables in Dockerfiles, you may encounter various issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

ARG Variable Not Recognized

If you encounter an error where the ARG variable is not recognized, check the following:

  1. Ensure that the ARG variable is defined before it is used in the Dockerfile.
  2. Verify the spelling and capitalization of the ARG variable name.
  3. Make sure that the ARG variable is referenced correctly using the ${variable_name} syntax.

ARG Value Not Overridden

If the ARG value is not being overridden during the docker build command, verify the following:

  1. Check the spelling and capitalization of the ARG variable name in the --build-arg flag.
  2. Ensure that the --build-arg flag is provided before the image name in the docker build command.
  3. Confirm that the ARG variable has a default value defined in the Dockerfile, in case the --build-arg flag is not provided.

ARG Value Not Persisted in Final Image

If the ARG value is not available in the final Docker image, remember that ARG variables are only available during the build process and are not persisted in the final image. To make the value available at runtime, use the ENV instruction instead.


Conflicting ARG and ENV Variables

If you encounter issues with conflicting ARG and ENV variables, keep in mind the following:

  1. ARG variables take precedence over ENV variables during the build process.
  2. ENV variables take precedence over ARG variables at runtime.

To resolve conflicts, ensure that you are using the appropriate variable type for your specific use case.

Accessing ARG in Multi-Stage Builds

When working with multi-stage builds, make sure that the ARG variables are defined in the appropriate stage and that you are using the correct syntax to access them across stages.

## Build stage
FROM golang:1.16 AS builder
## ...

## Runtime stage
FROM ubuntu:20.04
COPY --from=builder /app/app .

By understanding these common issues and their solutions, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve any problems you encounter when working with ARG variables in your Dockerfiles.


In this tutorial, you have learned the essential concepts and techniques for working with ARG variables in Docker Dockerfiles. You now understand how to define ARG variables, access their values, override them at build time, and apply best practices to ensure secure and effective ARG usage. By leveraging ARG variables, you can create more dynamic and adaptable Docker images that can be tailored to your specific needs. With this knowledge, you can enhance your Docker build process and create more maintainable and flexible Dockerfiles.

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