What is time command in Linux?

The time Command in Linux

The time command in Linux is a powerful tool that allows you to measure the performance of a command or a script. It provides information about the time it takes to execute a command, including the real (wall clock) time, the user CPU time, and the system CPU time.


The basic syntax of the time command is as follows:

time [options] command [arguments]

Here, command is the command or script you want to measure the performance of, and [options] are the optional parameters you can use to customize the output.


The time command supports several options that you can use to customize the output. Some of the commonly used options are:

  1. -p: Prints the output in a portable format, which is easier to parse.
  2. -v: Provides a more verbose output, including additional information about the command's execution.
  3. -o file: Redirects the output to a file instead of the terminal.

Example Usage

Let's say you have a script called my_script.sh that you want to measure the performance of. You can use the time command as follows:

time ./my_script.sh

This will output something like this:

real    0m0.005s
user    0m0.002s
sys     0m0.003s

The output shows:

  • real: The total elapsed time, also known as the wall clock time.
  • user: The amount of CPU time spent in user mode.
  • sys: The amount of CPU time spent in kernel mode.

You can also use the time command with other commands, such as ls or cat:

time ls -l
time cat /etc/passwd

Visualizing Performance with Mermaid

You can use a Mermaid diagram to visualize the different components of the time command's output:

graph LR A[Command Execution] --> B[Real Time] A --> C[User CPU Time] A --> D[System CPU Time] B --> E[Wall Clock Time] C --> F[User Mode CPU Time] D --> G[Kernel Mode CPU Time]

This diagram shows how the time command's output represents the different aspects of the command's execution, including the wall clock time, user CPU time, and system CPU time.


The time command in Linux is a valuable tool for measuring the performance of your commands and scripts. By understanding the different components of the output and using the available options, you can gain valuable insights into the efficiency of your code and identify areas for optimization.


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