How to use printf() function?


Introduction to printf() Function

The printf() function is a powerful and versatile function in the C programming language that allows you to print formatted output to the console or a file. It is part of the standard input/output (stdio.h) library and is one of the most commonly used functions in C.

Syntax of printf()

The basic syntax of the printf() function is as follows:

printf("format_string", arg1, arg2, ..., argN);
  • format_string: This is a string that contains the text to be printed, along with any format specifiers that indicate how the arguments should be displayed.
  • arg1, arg2, ..., argN: These are the arguments that correspond to the format specifiers in the format_string.

Format Specifiers

The format_string can contain various format specifiers that tell printf() how to display the corresponding arguments. Here are some common format specifiers:

  • %d: Prints an integer value
  • %f: Prints a floating-point value
  • %c: Prints a single character
  • %s: Prints a string
  • %%: Prints a literal percent sign

You can also use various modifiers and flags with the format specifiers to control the output, such as field width, precision, and alignment.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to use the printf() function:

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int age = 25;
    float height = 1.75;
    char name[] = "John Doe";

    printf("My name is %s, I am %d years old, and I am %.2f meters tall.\n", name, age, height);

    return 0;

This code will output:

My name is John Doe, I am 25 years old, and I am 1.75 meters tall.

In this example, the printf() function is used to print a formatted string that includes the values of the age, height, and name variables.

Mermaid Diagram

Here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the basic structure of the printf() function:

graph TD A[printf()] --> B["format_string"] B --> C["%d"] B --> D["%f"] B --> E["%c"] B --> F["%s"] B --> G["%%"] A --> H["arg1, arg2, ..., argN"]

This diagram shows how the printf() function takes a format_string and a list of arguments, and uses the format specifiers to determine how each argument should be displayed.


The printf() function is a fundamental tool in C programming that allows you to output formatted data to the console or a file. By understanding the syntax, format specifiers, and various options available, you can use printf() to create clear and informative output in your C programs.


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