How to download multiple files in a single Ansible playbook?


Downloading Multiple Files in a Single Ansible Playbook

As an Ansible expert and mentor, I'm happy to help you with your question on downloading multiple files in a single Ansible playbook.

Ansible provides a flexible and powerful way to manage file downloads across multiple hosts. By using the get_url module, you can easily download files from remote locations and copy them to your target hosts. Let's explore how you can achieve this in a single Ansible playbook.

Downloading Multiple Files

To download multiple files in a single Ansible playbook, you can use a combination of the get_url module and a loop. Here's an example playbook that demonstrates this:

- hosts: all
    - name: Download multiple files
        url: "{{ item.url }}"
        dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
        - { url: '', dest: '/tmp/' }
        - { url: '', dest: '/tmp/file2.tar.gz' }
        - { url: '', dest: '/tmp/file3.pdf' }

In this example, the get_url module is used to download the files specified in the loop section. The url and dest parameters are defined as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents a file to be downloaded.

The loop directive iterates over the list of files, and the get_url module downloads each file and saves it to the specified destination on the target hosts.

Here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the flow of this Ansible playbook:

graph TD A[Start Playbook] --> B[Iterate over file list] B --> C[Download file using get_url] C --> D[Save file to destination] D --> B[Iterate over next file] B --> E[Playbook Completed]

This diagram shows how the playbook iterates over the list of files, downloads each file using the get_url module, and saves the files to the specified destinations on the target hosts.

Handling File Naming and Paths

In the previous example, we hardcoded the file names and destination paths. However, in a real-world scenario, you might want to handle these dynamically based on the file information or the target host's environment.

Here's an example that demonstrates how you can use Jinja2 templates to construct the file names and paths:

- hosts: all
    - name: Download multiple files
        url: "{{ item.filename }}"
        dest: "{{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.filename }}"
        - { filename: '', destdir: '/tmp' }
        - { filename: 'file2.tar.gz', destdir: '/opt' }
        - { filename: 'file3.pdf', destdir: '/home/user' }

In this example, the url and dest parameters use Jinja2 templates to construct the file URLs and destination paths dynamically. The item.filename and item.destdir values are defined in the loop section, allowing you to customize the file names and destination directories as needed.

By using this approach, you can make your Ansible playbook more flexible and adaptable to different environments or file naming conventions.

Handling Errors and Retries

When downloading multiple files, it's important to consider error handling and retries. Ansible's get_url module provides the force parameter, which can be used to overwrite existing files, and the timeout parameter, which sets the maximum time for the download to complete.

Here's an example that demonstrates how to handle errors and retries:

- hosts: all
    - name: Download multiple files
        url: "{{ item.filename }}"
        dest: "{{ item.destdir }}/{{ item.filename }}"
        force: yes
        timeout: 60
      register: download_result
      retries: 3
      delay: 10
      until: download_result is succeeded
        - { filename: '', destdir: '/tmp' }
        - { filename: 'file2.tar.gz', destdir: '/opt' }
        - { filename: 'file3.pdf', destdir: '/home/user' }

In this example, the force parameter is set to yes to overwrite existing files, and the timeout parameter is set to 60 seconds. The register keyword is used to capture the result of the get_url task, which is then used in the retries and until directives.

The retries parameter specifies the maximum number of times the task should be retried (in this case, 3 times), and the delay parameter sets the time (in seconds) to wait between retries. The until directive ensures that the task is considered successful only when the download_result is successful.

This approach helps ensure that your Ansible playbook can handle temporary network issues or other transient errors that may occur during the file downloads.

By combining the techniques shown in these examples, you can create robust and flexible Ansible playbooks that can efficiently download multiple files in a single run, handling various file naming and path scenarios, as well as error handling and retries.


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