# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to implement a responsive layout for a website, similar to the official Gulp.js website. You will use media queries to adjust the layout and styles of the web page based on the screen size. ## 👀 Preview ![finished](https://file.labex.io/namespace/718bace8-27a3-4200-a588-dde4041ceeb9/css/project-responsive-page-layout/lab-responsive-page-layout/assets/5.png) ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn: - How to add media query rules to the HTML file to create a responsive layout - How to adjust the width and visibility of page elements based on different screen sizes - How to test the responsive layout by resizing the browser window ## 🏆 Achievements After completing this project, you will be able to: - Implement a responsive web design using media queries - Adjust layout and styles based on screen size - Effectively test and optimize web pages for different devices and screen resolutions
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