Yin Book Encryption Implementation and Testing


In this project, you will learn how to implement the Yin Book Encryption algorithm, a method of dividing a complete message into three parts and delivering them separately to the recipient. This encryption technique was used in ancient times to prevent information leakage, even if one of the messengers was captured by the enemy.



In this project, you will learn how to implement the Yin Book Encryption algorithm, a method of dividing a complete message into three parts and delivering them separately to the recipient. This encryption technique was used in ancient times to prevent information leakage, even if one of the messengers was captured by the enemy.

👀 Preview

## Example 1
>>> text = "Hello, World!"
>>> print(yin_book_encryption(text))
['H', 'ell', 'o, Wor', 'ld!']

## Example 2
>>> text = "!@#$%^&*) Hello, World!"
>>> print(yin_book_encryption(text))
['!', '@#$', '%^&*) ', 'Hello, Wor', 'ld!']

## Example 3
>>> text = "None"
>>> print(yin_book_encryption(text))
["N", "one"]

## Example 4
>>> text = ''
>>> print(yin_book_encryption(text))

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to implement the yin_book_encryption function to split a given text into multiple parts according to the Yin Book Encryption rule.
  • How to test the yin_book_encryption function with different input examples.
  • How to understand the implementation of the yin_book_encryption function and the helper calculate_length function.

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Understand the concept of the Yin Book Encryption algorithm.
  • Implement the yin_book_encryption function to encrypt and decrypt messages.
  • Test the yin_book_encryption function with various input scenarios.
  • Modify the yin_book_encryption function to fit your specific requirements.




Labby is the LabEx teacher.

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