Comprehensive Operation of Basic Functions


In this project, you will learn how to use standard MySQL functions to retrieve information from the `emp` table in the personnel database. You will practice accessing MySQL, importing data, and writing SQL scripts to perform various data manipulation tasks.



In this project, you will learn how to use standard MySQL functions to retrieve information from the emp table in the personnel database. You will practice accessing MySQL, importing data, and writing SQL scripts to perform various data manipulation tasks.

👀 Preview

MariaDB [personnel]> SOURCE /home/labex/project/BasicFunctions.sql;
| Name   | Salary | Days on Job |
| HTIMS  |  26.67 |       14990 |
| NELLA  |  53.33 |       14925 |
| DRAW   |  41.67 |       14923 |
| SENOJ  |  99.17 |       14884 |
| NITRAM |  41.67 |       14705 |
| EKALB  |  95.00 |       14855 |
| KRALC  |  81.67 |       14816 |
| TTOCS  | 100.00 |       12621 |
| GNIK   | 166.67 |       14655 |
| RENRUT |  50.00 |       14725 |
| SMADA  |  36.67 |       12621 |
| SEMAJ  |  31.67 |       14639 |
| DROF   | 100.00 |       14639 |
| RELLIM |  43.33 |       14588 |
14 rows in set (0.000 sec)

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to access MySQL using the sudo command without a password
  • How to import data from a SQL file into the MySQL database
  • How to write a SQL script to retrieve the name, daily salary, and days on the job for each employee in the emp table
  • How to use MySQL functions like REVERSE(), ROUND(), and DATEDIFF() to manipulate the data

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Efficiently access and manage a MySQL database using the command line
  • Utilize standard MySQL functions to perform complex data retrieval and manipulation tasks
  • Develop SQL scripts to automate data processing and reporting
  • Demonstrate your understanding of MySQL fundamentals and their practical applications




Labby is the LabEx teacher.