ASCII Art Animation With OpenCV


In this project, we will utilize OpenCV to compile, process images and videos, create ASCII art animations, understand image to ASCII art conversion, work with daemon threads, and explore cursor positioning and escape encoding.



In this project, we will use OpenCV to process images and videos to create ASCII art animations.

  • OpenCV compilation
  • Image and video processing using OpenCV
  • Principles of image to ASCII art conversion
  • Daemon threads
  • Cursor positioning and escape encoding

👀 Preview

🎯 Tasks

In this project, you will learn:

  • How to convert images and videos into ASCII art animations using OpenCV.
  • How to play ASCII art animations in the terminal using cursor positioning and escape encoding.
  • How to export and load ASCII art animation data.

🏆 Achievements

After completing this project, you will be able to:

  • Use OpenCV to process images and videos.
  • Convert images into ASCII art.
  • Play ASCII art animations.
  • Export and load ASCII art animation data.




Labby is the LabEx teacher.