Pandas Practice Plus


In this course, You will practice more labs of Pandas. This will help you to master the skills more deeply.



In this course, you will learn how to use various Pandas DataFrame and Series methods to manipulate and analyze data. You will practice a wide range of Pandas functions, including appending data, calculating statistics, handling missing values, and more.

๐ŸŽฏ Tasks

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to use the Append, Abs, Align, Applymap, Asof, Assign, Backfill, Boxplot, Compare, Convert_dtypes, Corr, Corrwith, Cov, Describe, Droplevel, Duplicated, Filter, From_dict, Get, Head, Idxmax, Idxmin, Info, Interpolate, Keys, Nlargest, Nsmallest, Pop, Reindex, and Append methods on Pandas DataFrames and Series.

๐Ÿ† Achievements

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Efficiently manipulate and analyze data using a variety of Pandas DataFrame and Series methods.
  • Understand the use cases and applications of each method covered in the course.
  • Apply these techniques to your own data analysis projects, improving your data processing and visualization skills.




Labby is the LabEx teacher.

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