MySQL Practice Plus


In this course, You will practice more labs of MySQL. This will help you to master the skills more deeply.



In this course, you will learn how to master the skills of MySQL more deeply through extensive practice.

🎯 Tasks

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to enhance databases
  • How to handle empty city data
  • How to query the official languages of each country
  • How to change the default value for the Countrylanguage table
  • How to modify the Countrylanguage table
  • How to modify the primary key of the Countrylanguage table
  • How to modify the attributes of the Student table
  • How to calculate the average salaries per department
  • How to search for Biology Course alumni
  • How to calculate a user's encrypted password
  • How to find cities with over one million population
  • How to find city names and their respective countries
  • How to explore the discovery of the New World by Columbus
  • How to perform comprehensive operations of basic functions
  • How to tackle a comprehensive challenge of this section
  • How to work with constraints in a comprehensive challenge
  • How to find countries and their codes in a region
  • How to find countries with a population of 1 billion or more
  • How to query the GDP of countries
  • How to query the GNP and population of countries
  • How to filter employee data
  • How to format a query for teacher salaries
  • How to tackle a comprehensive challenge of general functions
  • How to tackle a comprehensive challenge of GROUP functions
  • How to perform comprehensive join queries
  • How to find the country with the largest population
  • How to find the five countries with the largest population
  • How to make maximum value judgments
  • How to perform comprehensive multilinear functions
  • How to obtain pi with two decimal places

🏆 Achievements

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Effectively manage and manipulate MySQL databases
  • Perform advanced SQL queries and data analysis
  • Solve complex database-related problems
  • Demonstrate a deep understanding of MySQL concepts and techniques




Labby is the LabEx teacher.

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