JavaScript Practice Plus


In this course, You will practice more labs of JavaScript. This will help you to master the skills more deeply.



In this course, you will learn how to practice more advanced JavaScript skills through a variety of labs and exercises. This will help you to master the language more deeply.

🎯 Tasks

In this course, you will learn:

  • How to build HTTP module applications
  • How to create a campus card system
  • How to implement a simple calculator with encapsulated functions
  • How to fix registration verification issues
  • How to detect page changes
  • How to find the werewolf in a group
  • How to split a string
  • How to count the number of digits in a number
  • How to create a secret that cannot be told
  • How to generate random numbers
  • How to handle package delivery receipt
  • How to sort arrays
  • How to create a "skip" function
  • How to generate JSON data
  • How to build tall buildings on flat ground
  • How to handle division and ranking
  • How to handle secondary packaging
  • How to find the diameter of a binary tree
  • How to find the kth smallest element in a binary search tree
  • How to generate Fibonacci numbers
  • How to implement the method
  • How to create a balanced binary tree
  • How to stop shaking
  • How to generate an array
  • How to retire a thief
  • How to flatten a binary tree to a linked list

🏆 Achievements

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in a wide range of JavaScript programming techniques
  • Develop complex applications and systems using JavaScript
  • Solve challenging problems and optimize code performance
  • Contribute to the development of robust and scalable JavaScript-based solutions




Labby is the LabEx teacher.

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