How to revert to a previous commit?


Reverting to a Previous Commit in Git

In Git, the ability to revert to a previous commit is a powerful feature that allows you to undo changes and restore your codebase to a known good state. This can be particularly useful when you've made a mistake or introduced a bug in your code, and you need to quickly roll back to a working version.

Understanding Git Commit History

In Git, each commit represents a snapshot of your codebase at a specific point in time. These commits are linked together, forming a linear history of changes. You can visualize this history using a Mermaid diagram:

gitGraph commit commit branch develop commit commit merge main commit commit

In this example, the main branch has a linear history of commits, and a develop branch was created, with additional commits being made before it was merged back into main.

Reverting to a Previous Commit

To revert to a previous commit, you can use the git revert command. This command creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced in the specified commit, effectively "reverting" the changes.

Here's an example of how to revert to a previous commit:

# Assuming you're on the main branch
git log --oneline
# Output:
# a1b2c3d (HEAD -> main) Add new feature
# 1e2f3g4 Implement bug fix
# 5h6i7j Refactor code
# 8k9l0m Initial commit

# Revert the "Add new feature" commit
git revert a1b2c3d
# This will open an editor to allow you to edit the commit message
# Save and close the editor
# Git will now create a new commit that reverts the changes from a1b2c3d

After running this command, Git will create a new commit that undoes the changes from the a1b2c3d commit, effectively reverting your codebase to the state it was in before that commit was made.

Advantages of Reverting to a Previous Commit

Reverting to a previous commit has several advantages:

  1. Undo Mistakes: If you've made a mistake in your code or introduced a bug, reverting to a previous commit allows you to quickly restore a working version of your codebase.
  2. Maintain Commit History: When you revert a commit, Git creates a new commit that undoes the changes, preserving the commit history. This is useful for maintaining a clear and understandable commit history.
  3. Collaboration-friendly: Reverting a commit is a safe and collaborative way to undo changes, as it doesn't require you to rewrite the entire commit history, which could cause issues for other team members working on the same repository.


Reverting to a previous commit is a fundamental Git operation that allows you to undo changes and restore your codebase to a known good state. By understanding how to use the git revert command, you can effectively manage your project's commit history and quickly resolve issues that may arise during development.


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