How to return to home directory in Linux?

Returning to the Home Directory in Linux

In the Linux operating system, the home directory is the default directory that a user is placed in when they log in or open a new terminal window. The home directory is typically represented by the tilde symbol (~) and is the starting point for most user-related activities.

Absolute Path to the Home Directory

The absolute path to the home directory can be accessed using the following command:

$ echo $HOME

In this example, /home/username is the absolute path to the home directory, where username is the name of the user account.

Relative Path to the Home Directory

The relative path to the home directory can be represented using the tilde symbol (~). This symbol is a shorthand for the user's home directory, and it can be used in various commands and file paths. For example:

$ cd ~
$ ls ~
$ cat ~/file.txt

All of these commands will operate within the user's home directory.

Changing to the Home Directory

There are several ways to change the current working directory to the home directory in Linux:

  1. Using the cd command with no arguments:

    $ cd

    This command will automatically change the current working directory to the user's home directory.

  2. Using the cd ~ command:

    $ cd ~

    This command also changes the current working directory to the user's home directory.

  3. Using the cd $HOME command:

    $ cd $HOME

    This command uses the $HOME environment variable, which contains the absolute path to the user's home directory.

graph TD A[Start] --> B(Current Working Directory) B --> C{How to navigate to home directory?} C -->|Absolute path| D[$HOME] C -->|Relative path| E[~] C -->|cd command| F[cd] F -->|cd| G[cd] F -->|cd ~| H[cd ~] F -->|cd $HOME| I[cd $HOME] D --> J[/home/username] E --> J G --> J H --> J I --> J J[Home Directory] --> K[End]

By understanding these different methods for navigating to the home directory, Linux users can easily access their personal files and directories, regardless of their current working location within the file system.


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