How to negate a Boolean condition?

Negating Boolean Conditions in Python

In Python, you can negate a Boolean condition using the logical NOT operator, which is represented by the not keyword. The not operator reverses the truth value of a Boolean expression, meaning that if the original expression is True, the negated expression will be False, and vice versa.

Here's the general syntax for negating a Boolean condition in Python:

not <boolean_expression>

For example, let's say you have a variable x that is assigned a value of 5. You can check if x is not equal to 10 using the following expression:

x = 5
not_equal_to_10 = not (x == 10)
print(not_equal_to_10)  # Output: True

In this example, the original expression x == 10 evaluates to False, and the negated expression not (x == 10) evaluates to True.

You can also use the not operator in more complex Boolean expressions. For instance, if you want to check if a number is not between 1 and 10 (inclusive), you can use the following expression:

number = 15
not_between_1_and_10 = not (1 <= number <= 10)
print(not_between_1_and_10)  # Output: True

Here, the original expression 1 <= number <= 10 evaluates to False, and the negated expression not (1 <= number <= 10) evaluates to True.

To help visualize the concept of negating Boolean conditions, here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the relationship between a Boolean expression and its negated form:

graph TD A[Boolean Expression] --> B{True or False} B -->|True| C[False] B -->|False| D[True] C --> E[Negated Expression] D --> E[Negated Expression]

In summary, to negate a Boolean condition in Python, you can use the not operator to reverse the truth value of the expression. This can be useful when you want to check for the opposite of a condition or when you need to combine multiple Boolean expressions using logical operators.


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