Linux 目录树显示


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Imagine you are in the year 2045, in a super-technological city called "Techville." The city where every aspect of life is integrated with advanced technologies, from AI traffic control to smart homes that know what you need before you do. You are part of the Techville's Cyber Patrol, a team responsible for protecting the complex city's data infrastructure.

As a Cyber Patrol officer, your main goal is to ensure the integrity and security of the data within Techville's nervously interconnected systems. One day, you receive intel about a possible anomaly in the directory structures of the city's central servers. Your mission is to analyze the server's directory tree, identify unusual patterns, and guarantee that data is neatly structured and secure. The tree command in Linux will be your primary tool for this operation.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup(["`Basic System Commands`"]) linux/BasicSystemCommandsGroup -.-> linux/tree("`Directory Tree Display`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/tree -.-> lab-271413{{"`Linux 目录树显示`"}} end

基本 Tree 命令使用

在这一步中,你将熟悉 tree 命令的基本功能,该命令用于显示目录和文件结构。


cd ~/project

~/project 目录中,创建一个示例目录结构:

mkdir -p ./logs/2023/{January,February,March}
touch ./logs/2023/January/log1.txt
touch ./logs/2023/February/log2.txt
touch ./logs/2023/March/log3.txt

现在,让我们运行基本的 tree 命令来查看我们的文件结构:



└── logs
    └── 2023
        ├── January
        │   └── log1.txt
        ├── February
        │   └── log2.txt
        └── March
            └── log3.txt

tree 命令展示了从当前目录开始的目录和文件的层次结构。

高级 Tree 命令使用

现在你已经熟悉了标准的 tree 输出,是时候学习一些高级选项了。


mkdir -p ~/project/backups/2023/{January,February,March}/{week1,week2,week3}
touch ~/project/backups/2023/January/week1/data.bak

要限制显示深度为三层,可以使用 -L 选项,后跟数字 3:

tree -L 3


├── backups
│   └── 2023
│       ├── January
│       ├── February
│       └── March
└── logs
    └── 2023
        ├── January
        ├── February
        └── March


在本实验中,你通过使用 tree 命令探索 Linux 目录树,成为了 Techville 数据的守护者。你学会了如何显示基本的目录结构,以及如何利用高级选项限制显示的目录深度,从而提升了在现实场景中处理数据结构可见性问题的技能。你的动手实践为你维护文件和目录不断变化的“天际线”做好了准备,这对于 Techville 数字环境的安全和效率至关重要。

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