方法是 Java 中 Integer
类的一个方法。该方法用于返回第一个参数(被除数)除以第二个参数(除数)所得到的无符号商。本实验将逐步指导你如何在 Java 中使用 divideUnsigned()
方法是 Java 中 Integer
类的一个方法。该方法用于返回第一个参数(被除数)除以第二个参数(除数)所得到的无符号商。本实验将逐步指导你如何在 Java 中使用 divideUnsigned()
在这一步中,将 java.lang.Integer
类导入到 DivideUnsignedDemo
import java.lang.Integer;
在这一步中,在 DivideUnsignedDemo
类中定义 main()
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// code here
方法在这一步中,定义两个整数变量——被除数(dividend)和除数(divisor),然后将它们作为参数调用 divideUnsigned()
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int dividend = 100;
int divisor = 5;
int quotient = Integer.divideUnsigned(dividend, divisor);
System.out.println("The quotient of " + dividend + " and " + divisor + " is " + quotient);
输出:The quotient of 100 and 5 is 20
在这一步中,使用 divideUnsigned()
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int dividend = -100;
int divisor = -5;
int quotient = Integer.divideUnsigned(dividend, divisor);
System.out.println("The quotient of " + dividend + " and " + divisor + " is " + quotient);
输出:The quotient of -100 and -5 is 0
在这一步中,尝试使用 divideUnsigned()
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int dividend = 100;
int divisor = 0;
int quotient = Integer.divideUnsigned(dividend, divisor);
System.out.println("The quotient of " + dividend + " and " + divisor + " is " + quotient);
输出:Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero at DivideUnsignedDemo.main(DivideUnsignedDemo.java:6)
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args){
int dividend = 100;
for (int i = -5; i <= 5; i++) {
if (i != 0) {
int quotient = Integer.divideUnsigned(dividend, i);
System.out.println("The quotient of " + dividend + " and " + i + " is " + quotient);
System.out.println("Cannot divide by zero");
The quotient of 100 and -5 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -4 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -3 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -2 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -1 is 0
Cannot divide by zero
The quotient of 100 and 1 is 100
The quotient of 100 and 2 is 50
The quotient of 100 and 3 is 33
The quotient of 100 and 4 is 25
The quotient of 100 and 5 is 20
在这一步中,打开你的终端,导航到 ~/project
目录,使用 javac
命令编译 DivideUnsignedDemo.java
文件,然后使用 java
javac DivideUnsignedDemo.java && java DivideUnsignedDemo
The quotient of 100 and 5 is 20
The quotient of -100 and -5 is 0
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at DivideUnsignedDemo.main(DivideUnsignedDemo.java:6)
The quotient of 100 and -5 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -4 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -3 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -2 is 0
The quotient of 100 and -1 is 0
Cannot divide by zero
The quotient of 100 and 1 is 100
The quotient of 100 and 2 is 50
The quotient of 100 and 3 is 33
The quotient of 100 and 4 is 25
The quotient of 100 and 5 is 20
在这一步中,修改 DivideUnsignedDemo
程序以计算两个整数 x 和 y 的商。
public class DivideUnsignedDemo {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int x = 200;
int y = -8;
int quotient = Integer.divideUnsigned(x, y);
System.out.println("The quotient obtained by dividing " + x + " with " + y + " is " + quotient);
输出:The quotient obtained by dividing 200 with -8 is 1431655764
本实验提供了一个逐步指南,教你如何在 Java 中使用 divideUnsigned()
方法。你已经学习了如何导入 java.lang.Integer
类、定义 main()
方法、调用 divideUnsigned()