Rust Namespacing with use Declaration

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In this lab, the use declaration is used to eliminate the need for manual scoping in Rust and make names available without explicitly specifying the namespace.

Note: If the lab does not specify a file name, you can use any file name you want. For example, you can use, compile and run it with rustc && ./main.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/BasicConceptsGroup(["`Basic Concepts`"]) rust(("`Rust`")) -.-> rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup(["`Functions and Closures`"]) rust/BasicConceptsGroup -.-> rust/variable_declarations("`Variable Declarations`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/function_syntax("`Function Syntax`") rust/FunctionsandClosuresGroup -.-> rust/expressions_statements("`Expressions and Statements`") subgraph Lab Skills rust/variable_declarations -.-> lab-99245{{"`Rust Namespacing with use Declaration`"}} rust/function_syntax -.-> lab-99245{{"`Rust Namespacing with use Declaration`"}} rust/expressions_statements -.-> lab-99245{{"`Rust Namespacing with use Declaration`"}} end


The use declaration can be used so manual scoping isn't needed:

// An attribute to hide warnings for unused code.

enum Status {

enum Work {

fn main() {
    // Explicitly `use` each name so they are available without
    // manual scoping.
    use crate::Status::{Poor, Rich};
    // Automatically `use` each name inside `Work`.
    use crate::Work::*;

    // Equivalent to `Status::Poor`.
    let status = Poor;
    // Equivalent to `Work::Civilian`.
    let work = Civilian;

    match status {
        // Note the lack of scoping because of the explicit `use` above.
        Rich => println!("The rich have lots of money!"),
        Poor => println!("The poor have no money..."),

    match work {
        // Note again the lack of scoping.
        Civilian => println!("Civilians work!"),
        Soldier  => println!("Soldiers fight!"),


Congratulations! You have completed the Use lab. You can practice more labs in LabEx to improve your skills.

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