Python Using with Statement

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In a fantastical sky kingdom floating amidst the serenity of fluffed white clouds, there exists a guild of cloud adventurers who delve into the less explored corners of their aerial domain. You are a distinguished member of this guild, known for your wisdom and courage. Your next mission is to retrieve the Lost Scroll of Safe Handling, an ancient artifact that contains the secrets to manipulate the sky's resources without leaving any traces that would disturb the delicate balance of the kingdom.

As a cloud adventurer, your goal is to master a powerful Python construct known as the with statement, which provides a way to ensure that resources are handled and released properly. This skill will be crucial in safeguarding the harmony of the skies while you wield your programming abilities to navigate through the clouds and decipher the scrolls you encounter.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL python(("`Python`")) -.-> python/FileHandlingGroup(["`File Handling`"]) python/FileHandlingGroup -.-> python/with_statement("`Using with Statement`") subgraph Lab Skills python/with_statement -.-> lab-271608{{"`Python Using with Statement`"}} end

Exploring the With Statement

In this step, you will embark on your journey by exploring the with statement in Python. The with statement simplifies exception handling by encapsulating common preparation and cleanup tasks in so-called context managers. Your first task is to read a file containing the map to the Lost Scroll's location and ensure it is properly closed after use.

Now, read the contents of the /home/labex/project/map.txt file using the with statement in /home/labex/project/

## Python code to read 'map.txt'
with open('/home/labex/project/map.txt', 'r') as file:

This will safely open and close the file, even if an error occurs while reading its contents:

The information below should be displayed on your terminal:

Cross the Cumulus Cliffs, through the Misty Gorge, and into the Stratus Caves

Writing to a File Safely

For this next part of your challenge, you will record your experience navigating through the Cumulus Cliffs in a log file. This ensures that the adventurers who come after you have a guide, and also teaches you the importance of safe writing operations in Python.

Then, use the with statement in to write the log to /home/labex/project/adventure_log.txt.

log = "Navigated through Cumulus Cliffs. Encountered mild turbulences but no serious obstructions."
with open('/home/labex/project/adventure_log.txt', 'w') as file:

Run the script anf view the file content of adventure_log.txt as follows:

$ python3
$ cat /home/labex/project/adventure_log.txt
Navigated through Cumulus Cliffs. Encountered mild turbulences but no serious obstructions.

With this, you've not only made your mark in the guild's history but also practiced resource management through the with statement.


In this lab, you embarked on an adventure through the sky kingdom, using the with statement to safely handle files in Python. By integrating a whimsical scenario with coding exercises, the lab aimed to provide an engaging learning experience. The narrative was woven around the with statement to create a context that complements the code execution. You learned how to effectively read from and write to files without risking resource leaks, even in the face of errors, which is a critical skill in real-world programming. Your newfound skill will certainly aid in many more adventures to come!

Remember that the key to mastery is practice, so continue honing your skills and one day, you may just become the most legendary adventurer in the sky kingdom's history!

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