NumPy Isupper Function

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In this lab, we will learn about the isupper() function of the char module available in the NumPy library. This function determines whether the string elements of an ndarray are in uppercase or not.

VM Tips

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Sometimes, you may need to wait a few seconds for Jupyter Notebook to finish loading. The validation of operations cannot be automated because of limitations in Jupyter Notebook.

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Import the Required Libraries

We will start by importing the required libraries i.e., NumPy

import numpy as np

Define a string variable

In this step, we will define a string variable and store the input string.

string1 = "HELLO WORLD"

Apply isupper() to string variable

Now, we will apply the isupper() function to our string variable. This will return True if all the characters of the string are in uppercase and False otherwise.

x = np.char.isupper(string1)
print("After applying isupper() Function:")

Define an array of strings

In this step, we will define an array of strings and store the input strings.

inp_ar = np.array(['Abc', 'ZYX', '789'])

Apply isupper() to array

Now, we will apply the isupper() function to our array of strings. This will return True if all the characters of the string are in uppercase and False otherwise.

output = np.char.isupper(inp_ar)
print ("The output array :\n", output)


In this lab, we learned about the isupper() function in the NumPy library. We covered how it is used with its syntax and values returned by this function. We applied the isupper() function on a string variable and an array of strings to determine whether each element is in uppercase or not.

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