Linux File Joining

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Welcome to the ancient grassland of Glasland, a vast expanse where histories are intertwined with the rustling winds and echo with the whispers of the storm predictors. In our scenario, you are an aspiring storm predictor, an apprentice of the arcane arts with a special mission: to decipher the celestial patterns and predict future tempests by merging ancient scripts.

Your objective is to master the join command, a powerful Linux tool that allows you to combine two files on a common field, much like the way you will parchments with the ancient data of the stars. But be wary, young predictor, for this task requires precision and attention to detail. Succeed, and you will garner the wisdom of the ages, bridging the gap between the past and the present to foresee what comes ahead.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL linux(("`Linux`")) -.-> linux/TextProcessingGroup(["`Text Processing`"]) linux/TextProcessingGroup -.-> linux/join("`File Joining`") subgraph Lab Skills linux/join -.-> lab-271313{{"`Linux File Joining`"}} end

Understanding the Join Command

In this step, you will be familiarizing yourself with the basic syntax of the join command. To bring relevance to our scenario and provide a practical example, imagine you have two scrolls: one with the dates of past storms (storms.txt), and the other with their corresponding wind patterns (winds.txt).

First, create two files storms.txt and winds.txt:

echo -e "1:2023-04-01\n2:2023-04-15\n3:2023-05-02" > storms.txt
echo -e "1:NW\n2:SE\n3:NE" > winds.txt

Within ~/project/storms.txt:


And within ~/project/winds.txt:


Now, execute the join command to combine these files on the common field, which is the storm ID in this case:

join -t: ~/project/storms.txt ~/project/winds.txt

You should see output like this:


This output represents a joined scroll, with each storm's date and its wind pattern side by side.

Joining with Different Field Separators

In this lab exercise, we will expand on the join command by introducing different separators. The ancient scrolls you have may use various symbols to demarcate the data fields. Let's create two files with differing separators and join them using the correct field separator.

First, create two files storms_dash.txt and winds_comma.txt:

echo -e "1-2023-04-10\n2-2023-04-20\n3-2023-05-05" > storms_dash.txt
echo -e "1,NW\n2,SE\n3,NE" > winds_comma.txt

Within ~/project/storms_dash.txt:


And within ~/project/winds_comma.txt:


To join these files with their respective separators, you would run:

join -t- ~/project/storms_dash.txt -t, ~/project/winds_comma.txt

This will not work properly as join expects a single field separator. Instead, you need to tell join to read the second file with the correct separator:

join -t- ~/project/storms_dash.txt <(tr ',' '-' < ~/project/winds_comma.txt)

The expected output will be in the same format as in Step 1, with the correct joined data:



In this lab, you have taken on the role of a storm predictor in the ancient grasslands of Glasland, learning to harness the Linux join command to merge critical weather data from separate scrolls. The lab guided you through the basic usage of join, including the treatment of different field separators, echoing the careful analysis required by your arcane pursuits.

Through hands-on examples, you've grown more adept at data manipulation in Linux, an invaluable skill for both ancient predictors and modern system administrators alike. Your quest for knowledge continues, but for now, take pride in mastering the mysteries of file joining in the Linux terminal.

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