Java LocalDate plusYears Method

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The plusYears() method in Java is used to add a certain number of years to the specified LocalDate object and returns a copy of the date object with the years added.

Set up the Java Development Environment

To get started with Java programming, you need to have the Java Development Kit (JDK) installed on your local machine. To check if you already have it installed, run the following command:

java -version

If you don't have the JDK installed, you can download it from the official Java website and follow the installation instructions.

Create a Java class file

Create a Java class file named in the ~/project directory using any text editor of your choice.

touch ~/project/

Import the required package

To use the LocalDate class and its methods, you need to import the java.time.LocalDate package.

import java.time.LocalDate;

Create a LocalDate object

Create a LocalDate object using the of() method of the class and set the date.

LocalDate date = LocalDate.of(2021, 10, 01);

Use the plusYears() method to add years to the date

Use the plusYears() method to add a certain number of years to the date object. In this example, we are adding 2 years to the date.

LocalDate newDate = date.plusYears(2);

Print the Original and New LocalDate Objects

In the end, print the original LocalDate object and the new LocalDate object after adding years. Use the toString() method to convert the date object to a string for display purposes.

System.out.println("Original Date: " + date.toString());
System.out.println("New Date: " + newDate.toString());

Check for a Leap Year

Now, create a LocalDate object for a leap year, and try to add 1 year to it using the plusYears() method.

LocalDate leapDate = LocalDate.of(2020, 02, 29);
LocalDate leapNewDate = leapDate.plusYears(1);

Print Original and New LeapDate Objects

In the end, print the original leap year date object and the new leap year object after adding years. As the result date is invalid, the plusYears() method adjusts it to the last valid date of the month, i.e., February 28.

System.out.println("Original Leap Date: " + leapDate.toString());
System.out.println("New Leap Date: " + leapNewDate.toString());

Compile and Run the Program

Compile the file using the following command:


Run the program using the following command:

java LocalDateDemo


The plusYears() method in Java is used to add a certain number of years to a LocalDate object and return a new date object with the years added. The method adjusts the date object if the resulting date would be invalid. This lab demonstrated how to use the plusYears() method to add years to a LocalDate object and how to handle leap year date objects using the method.

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