Resource Defense Command Center

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In a distant galaxy, the Zylothian Empire has launched an aggressive campaign to conquer and assimilate all inhabited planets. As the commander of the intergalactic defense fleet, your mission is to coordinate the deployment of resources and manage the defense nodes across multiple star systems. However, a cunning adversary, the Zylothian Overlord, has developed a sophisticated technique to disrupt your command center's operations, rendering your defensive efforts ineffective.

The Zylothian Overlord has unleashed a relentless onslaught of malicious code, targeting the Hadoop YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator) nodes responsible for resource management and job scheduling within your command center. If left unchecked, this attack could cripple your ability to allocate resources efficiently, leaving your defense fleet vulnerable and allowing the Zylothian Empire to gain a strategic advantage.

Your objective is to fortify the Hadoop YARN nodes and regain control over resource allocation, ensuring that your defense fleet remains operational and can effectively counter the Zylothian threat. By mastering the Hadoop YARN Commands node, you will be able to monitor, manage, and optimize the resource distribution across your defense fleet, outmaneuvering the Zylothian Overlord's attempts to disrupt your operations.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopYARNGroup(["`Hadoop YARN`"]) hadoop/HadoopYARNGroup -.-> hadoop/yarn_node("`Yarn Commands node`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/yarn_node -.-> lab-289013{{"`Resource Defense Command Center`"}} end

Accessing the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager

In this step, we will establish a secure connection to the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager, which serves as the central authority for managing cluster resources and scheduling applications.

  1. Launch the terminal and switch to the hadoop user by executing the following command:
su - hadoop
  1. Navigate to the Hadoop installation directory by running:
cd /home/hadoop/hadoop

Replace /home/hadoop/hadoop with the actual path to your Hadoop installation.

  1. Start the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager services by executing the following commands:

This command will start the YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager daemons.

  1. Verify that the YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager services are running by executing the following command:
yarn node --list

This command will display a list of active NodeManagers in the cluster. You should see output similar to the following:

2024-03-24 12:15:41,203 INFO client.DefaultNoHARMFailoverProxyProvider: Connecting to ResourceManager at /
Total Nodes:1
         Node-Id	     Node-State	Node-Http-Address	Number-of-Running-Containers
iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:44955	        RUNNING	iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:8042	                           0

Monitoring YARN Node Status

With the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager services running, you can now monitor the status of the YARN nodes to ensure they are functioning correctly and to identify any potential issues or vulnerabilities.

  1. Execute the following command to retrieve detailed information about the YARN nodes:
yarn node -list -showDetails

This command will display the status of all YARN nodes in the cluster.

Total Nodes:1
         Node-Id	     Node-State	Node-Http-Address	Number-of-Running-Containers
iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:44955	        RUNNING	iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:8042	                           0
Detailed Node Information :
	Configured Resources : <memory:8192, vCores:8>
	Allocated Resources : <memory:0, vCores:0>
	Resource Utilization by Node : PMem:2888 MB, VMem:2888 MB, VCores:0.07997334
	Resource Utilization by Containers : PMem:0 MB, VMem:0 MB, VCores:0.0
	Node-Labels : 
  1. To view more detailed information about a specific YARN node, run the following command:
yarn node -status <node-id>

Replace <node-id> with the ID of the node you want to inspect, such as

  1. Analyze the output to identify any nodes that are in an unhealthy state or experiencing issues. Look for indicators such as nodes in a non-RUNNING state, nodes with a high number of failed containers, or nodes with high resource utilization.

Here's an example of the output for a healthy YARN node:

Node Report : 
	Node-Id : iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:44955
	Rack : /default-rack
	Node-State : RUNNING
	Node-Http-Address : iZj6c3h5jra6dj4yhykndeZ:8042
	Last-Health-Update : Sun 24/Mar/24 12:18:18:816CST
	Health-Report : 
	Containers : 0
	Memory-Used : 0MB
	Memory-Capacity : 8192MB
	CPU-Used : 0 vcores
	CPU-Capacity : 8 vcores
	Node-Labels : 
	Node Attributes : 
	Resource Utilization by Node : PMem:2898 MB, VMem:2898 MB, VCores:0.22659113
	Resource Utilization by Containers : PMem:0 MB, VMem:0 MB, VCores:0.0

Managing YARN Node Resources

As the commander of the intergalactic defense fleet, you need to ensure that resources are allocated efficiently across the YARN nodes to support your defensive operations. In this step, you will learn how to manage the resources available to YARN nodes.

  1. To view the current resource allocation for a YARN node, execute the following command:
yarn node -list -showDetails

The output will display the available resources on the node, including CPU (virtual cores) and memory.

Configured Resources : <memory:8192, vCores:8>
  1. If you need to adjust the resource allocation for a YARN node, you can modify the yarn-site.xml configuration file located in the Hadoop configuration directory (/home/hadoop/hadoop/etc/hadoop/).
  2. Open the yarn-site.xml file using a text editor:
vim ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml
  1. Locate the <configuration> section and add or modify the following properties:

Adjust the <value> elements to set the desired CPU and memory resources for the YARN nodes and save the changes to the yarn-site.xml file and exit the text editor.

  1. Restart the YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager services for the changes to take effect:
  1. Verify the updated resource allocation by executing the yarn node -list -showDetails command again.
Configured Resources : <memory:16384, vCores:8>


In this lab, you assumed the role of an intergalactic defense fleet commander, tasked with fortifying the Hadoop YARN nodes against the relentless attacks of the Zylothian Overlord. By mastering the Hadoop YARN Commands node, you gained valuable skills in accessing and monitoring the YARN ResourceManager and NodeManager services, managing node resources, and launching applications on the YARN cluster.

Throughout the lab, you learned to establish secure connections to the Hadoop YARN ResourceManager, monitor the status of YARN nodes, adjust resource allocation based on operational requirements. The hands-on experience and practical examples provided a comprehensive understanding of the Hadoop YARN Commands node, equipping you with the necessary knowledge to effectively manage and optimize resource distribution across your defense fleet.

This lab not only reinforced your technical skills but also challenged you to think strategically and problem-solve in a dynamic and engaging scenario. By successfully completing the lab, you have demonstrated your ability to navigate complex challenges and contribute to the defense of the galaxy against the Zylothian threat.

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