Hadoop Numerical Harmony Quest

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Deep within the mystical Evergreen Forest, a realm where the boundaries between reality and fantasy intertwine, lived a peculiar creature known as the Arithmanchorx. This whimsical being possessed an innate understanding of the mathematical intricacies that governed the natural world, and its sole purpose was to maintain the delicate balance between the forces of numbers and nature.

The Arithmanchorx's domain was a realm of endless possibilities, where each tree was a living equation, and every stream was a flowing sequence of digits. Its goal was to harness the power of Hadoop's Mathematical Operating Functions, ensuring that the intricate web of numerical relationships remained harmonious and stable.

In this enchanting adventure, you will embark on a journey to aid the Arithmanchorx in its quest, mastering the art of mathematical operations within the realm of Hadoop Hive.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL hadoop(("`Hadoop`")) -.-> hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup(["`Hadoop Hive`"]) hadoop/HadoopHiveGroup -.-> hadoop/math("`Mathematical Operating Function`") subgraph Lab Skills hadoop/math -.-> lab-288987{{"`Hadoop Numerical Harmony Quest`"}} end

Unleashing the Power of Rounding Functions

In this step, you will learn how to harness the power of rounding functions, enabling the Arithmanchorx to maintain the numerical equilibrium within the Evergreen Forest.

First, ensure you are logged in as the hadoop user by running the following command in the terminal:

su - hadoop

Then, let's create a sample dataset to work with. Open a new file named numbers.txt in the /home/hadoop directory and add the following data:


Now, launch the Hive shell by executing the following command:


Next, create a new Hive table called forest_numbers to store the data:

CREATE TABLE forest_numbers (num DOUBLE);

LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '/home/hadoop/numbers.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE forest_numbers;

Now, let's explore the rounding functions provided by Hive:

    round(num, 0) AS round_number,
    floor(num) AS floor_number,
    ceil(num) AS ceil_number

This query demonstrates the usage of round(), floor(), and ceil() functions, which round a number to the nearest integer, round down to the nearest integer, and round up to the nearest integer, respectively.

Exploring Mathematical Transformations

In this step, you will delve deeper into mathematical transformations, helping the Arithmanchorx reshape the numerical landscape of the Evergreen Forest.

Let's create a new table transformed_numbers to store the transformed values:

CREATE TABLE transformed_numbers (
    original_num DOUBLE,
    abs_num DOUBLE,
    pmod_num DOUBLE,
    sin_num DOUBLE,
    cos_num DOUBLE,
    tan_num DOUBLE,
    exp_num DOUBLE,
    ln_num DOUBLE,
    pow_num DOUBLE

INSERT INTO transformed_numbers
    abs(num) AS abs_num,
    pmod(num, 3) AS pmod_num,
    sin(num) AS sin_num,
    cos(num) AS cos_num,
    tan(num) AS tan_num,
    exp(num) AS exp_num,
    ln(num) AS ln_num,
    pow(num, 2) AS pow_num

This query demonstrates various mathematical transformations using functions like abs(), pmod(), sin(), cos(), tan(), exp(), ln(), and pow(). These functions will help the Arithmanchorx reshape the numerical landscape according to its desired patterns.

Mastering Conditional Functions

In this step, you will learn how to use conditional functions, empowering the Arithmanchorx to make informed decisions based on the numerical conditions within the Evergreen Forest.

Let's create a new table conditional_numbers to store the results of conditional operations:

CREATE TABLE conditional_numbers (
    num DOUBLE,
    is_positive BOOLEAN,
    is_even BOOLEAN,
    sign DOUBLE

INSERT INTO conditional_numbers
    num > 0 AS is_positive,
    (num % 2 = 0) AS is_even,
        WHEN num > 0 THEN 1
        WHEN num < 0 THEN -1
        ELSE 0
    END AS sign

This query demonstrates the usage of conditional functions like >, <, =, and the CASE statement. These functions will help the Arithmanchorx make decisions based on the numerical conditions within the forest, such as determining whether a number is positive or negative, even or odd, and calculating its sign.


In this lab, you embarked on a magical journey through the Evergreen Forest, aiding the mystical Arithmanchorx in maintaining the delicate balance between numbers and nature. By mastering Hadoop Hive's Mathematical Operating Functions, you unlocked the secrets of rounding, transformations, and conditional operations.

The lab's design aimed to blend enchanting storytelling with practical hands-on experience, creating an engaging learning environment. Through the process of creating datasets, tables, and executing queries, you not only gained knowledge but also developed the skills necessary to harness the power of mathematical operations within the Hadoop ecosystem.

This lab has reinforced the importance of combining creativity with technical proficiency, as it demonstrates how captivating narratives can enhance the learning experience and make complex concepts more accessible. The incorporation of checkers not only ensures the successful completion of each step but also promotes a self-guided learning approach, empowering you to progress at your own pace while receiving immediate feedback.