String Manipulation in Go

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The strings package in Golang provides many useful string-related functions. This lab aims to test your understanding of some of these functions.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL go(("`Go`")) -.-> go/DataTypesandStructuresGroup(["`Data Types and Structures`"]) go/DataTypesandStructuresGroup -.-> go/strings("`Strings`") subgraph Lab Skills go/strings -.-> lab-15512{{"`String Manipulation in Go`"}} end

String Functions

Complete the code below to print the output of various string functions provided by the strings package.

  • Use the strings package to complete the lab.
  • Use the fmt.Println function to print the output.
  • Do not modify the function name or parameters.
$ go run string-functions.go
Contains: true
Count: 2
HasPrefix: true
HasSuffix: true
Index: 1
Join: a-b
Repeat: aaaaa
Replace: f00
Replace: f0o
Split: [a b c d e]
ToLower: test
ToUpper: TEST

There is the full code below:

// The standard library's `strings` package provides many
// useful string-related functions. Here are some examples
// to give you a sense of the package.

package main

import (
	s "strings"

// We alias `fmt.Println` to a shorter name as we'll use
// it a lot below.
var p = fmt.Println

func main() {

	// Here's a sample of the functions available in
	// `strings`. Since these are functions from the
	// package, not methods on the string object itself,
	// we need pass the string in question as the first
	// argument to the function. You can find more
	// functions in the [`strings`](
	// package docs.
	p("Contains:  ", s.Contains("test", "es"))
	p("Count:     ", s.Count("test", "t"))
	p("HasPrefix: ", s.HasPrefix("test", "te"))
	p("HasSuffix: ", s.HasSuffix("test", "st"))
	p("Index:     ", s.Index("test", "e"))
	p("Join:      ", s.Join([]string{"a", "b"}, "-"))
	p("Repeat:    ", s.Repeat("a", 5))
	p("Replace:   ", s.Replace("foo", "o", "0", -1))
	p("Replace:   ", s.Replace("foo", "o", "0", 1))
	p("Split:     ", s.Split("a-b-c-d-e", "-"))
	p("ToLower:   ", s.ToLower("TEST"))
	p("ToUpper:   ", s.ToUpper("test"))


This lab tests your understanding of the strings package in Golang. You should be able to use the various functions provided by the package to manipulate strings.

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