List All Git Aliases

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Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to manage their code and collaborate with others. One of the features of Git is the ability to create aliases, which are shortcuts for commonly used Git commands. Aliases can save time and make working with Git more efficient.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/GitHubIntegrationToolsGroup(["`GitHub Integration Tools`"]) git/GitHubIntegrationToolsGroup -.-> git/alias("`Create Aliases`") subgraph Lab Skills git/alias -.-> lab-12737{{"`List All Git Aliases`"}} end

List All Git Aliases

As a developer, you may want to list all the Git aliases that have been set up on your system. This can be useful for several reasons, such as:

  • Checking which aliases are available
  • Finding out what commands an alias is mapped to
  • Removing or modifying existing aliases

Let's say you have a Git repository named git-playground located at

  1. Navigate to this repository on your local machine:
cd git-playground
  1. Set up the following aliases:
git config --global status
git config --global checkout
git config --global alias.rb rebase
  1. Use the sed command during the listing of all of Git's aliases:
git config -l | grep alias | sed 's/^alias\.//g'

Running the command will output:



Listing all Git aliases can be useful for managing your Git workflow. By using the git config -l command along with grep and sed, you can easily list all the aliases that have been set up on your system.

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