Find Branches Containing a Commit

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In Git, branches are used to develop features or isolate changes made to a project. Sometimes, you may need to find out which branches contain a specific commit. This lab will test your ability to use Git commands to find branches containing a commit.

Skills Graph

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Find Branches Containing a Commit

You have been given a Git repository named Your task is to find all branches that contain a hash with the commit message "Added file2.txt".

  1. Change into the repository directory:
cd git-playground
  1. Use the git branch --contains command to find all branches that contain a hash with the commit message "Added file2.txt":
git branch --contains d22f46b

The output should be:

* master


In this lab, you learned how to find all the branches containing a specific commit using the git branch --contains command. This is a useful skill to have when working with Git repositories that have multiple branches.

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