Fetch Latest Changes from Remote

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Git is a popular version control system used for tracking changes in code. One of the key features of Git is the ability to work with remote repositories. In this lab, you will learn how to fetch the latest changes from a remote repository using Git.

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL git(("`Git`")) -.-> git/CollaborationandSharingGroup(["`Collaboration and Sharing`"]) git/CollaborationandSharingGroup -.-> git/fetch("`Download Updates`") subgraph Lab Skills git/fetch -.-> lab-12732{{"`Fetch Latest Changes from Remote`"}} end

Fetch Latest Changes from Remote

Suppose you are working on a project with a team of developers, and the project is stored in a remote repository. You want to get the latest changes from the remote repository without applying them to your local repository. This is where the git fetch command comes in handy.

The git fetch command downloads the latest changes from the remote repository to your local repository, but it does not apply them to your working directory. This means that you can review the changes before merging them into your local repository.

To demonstrate how to fetch the latest changes from a remote repository, we will use the Git repository git-playground from your GitHub account, which comes from a fork of https://github.com/labex-labs/git-playground.git. Follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository, navigate to the directory:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/git-playground.git
cd git-playground
  1. Find the git-playground repository in your account on the Github website, create and switch to a branch called fetch-branch, create a file called hello.txt, add "hello, world" and commit with the message "Create hello.txt".
  2. View branches in remote repositories:
git branch -r
  1. Fetch the latest changes from the remote repository:
git fetch
  1. View branches in remote repositories again and verify that the latest changes have been fetched:
git branch -r
git log origin/fetch-branch

This will show you the latest commits on the origin/fetch-branch branch.This is the result of running git log origin/fetch-branch:

commit f3125b4c99e0ef2ce58bc0b1287c966c9e68c577 (origin/fetch-branch)
Author: xiaoshengyunan <131872312+xiaoshengyunan@users.noreply.github.com>
Date:   Thu Jul 20 20:17:23 2023 +0800

    Create hello.txt


Fetching the latest changes from a remote repository is an important part of working with Git. The git fetch command allows you to download the latest changes without applying them to your local repository, giving you the opportunity to review the changes before merging them into your local repository.

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