Docker Remove Image

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Welcome to the supernatural academy, where you will step into the shoes of a ghost hunter, tasked with removing unwanted apparitions from Docker. Your mission is to master the "rmi" skill and cleanse your Docker environment of unwanted images. Embrace the challenge and sharpen your Docker skills to become a proficient ghost hunter!

Skills Graph

%%%%{init: {'theme':'neutral'}}%%%% flowchart RL docker(("`Docker`")) -.-> docker/ImageOperationsGroup(["`Image Operations`"]) docker/ImageOperationsGroup -.-> docker/rmi("`Remove Image`") subgraph Lab Skills docker/rmi -.-> lab-271493{{"`Docker Remove Image`"}} end

Uncover the Unwanted Specter

In this step, you will start by identifying the spectral presence in your Docker environment and gain an understanding of the haunting image. Begin by listing all Docker images and select the spectral image to be exorcised.

$ docker images

Next, you will remove the spectral image using the "docker rmi" command.

$ docker rmi hello-world

Vanquish Lingering Spirits

In this step, you will delve deeper into the spectral landscape and confront any lingering apparitions that are still tethered to your Docker host. Proceed by identifying all unused images using the following command:

$ docker images -f "dangling=true"

A "dangling" image is an image that is not tagged and is not associated with any containers. These images are typically created during the build process or when a container is removed, leaving behind an untagged image layer.

Then, proceed to remove the lingering apparitions by executing the following command for each one:

$ docker rmi <image-name>

Cleanse the Docker Realm

In this step, you will perform a final purification of your Docker environment by removing all unused images, freeing it from any lingering spectral residue.

$ docker image prune -a


In this lab, you took on the role of a ghost hunter in the supernatural academy of Docker. By mastering the "rmi" skill, you learned to identify and remove unwanted spectral images from your Docker environment. Armed with these skills, you are now equipped to maintain a clean and efficient Docker realm while keeping unwanted specters at bay. Happy ghost hunting and Docker purging!

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