C++ Flow Control

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In this lab, you will learn the control flow statements in C++. You will learn how to use if-else statements, switch statements, while loops, do-while loops, and for loops.

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There are three basic flow control constructs - sequential, conditional (or decision), and loop (or iteration). The sequential structure: the execution process is from the top to the bottom line by line. The conditional structure is using if-else statement to verify whether a statement satisfys some specific condition and then make choose. The loop structure is used to execute some logic operation repeatedly.

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Sequential Flow Control

A program is a sequence of instructions. Sequential flow is the most common and straight-forward, where programming statements are executed in the order that they are written - from top to bottom in a sequential manner.

Conditional Flow Control

There are a few types of conditionals, if-then, if-then-else, nested-if (if-elseif-elseif-...-else), switch-case, and conditional expression.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){

	int mark;

	cout<<"Input a number [0-100]: ";
    // if
    if (mark >= 50) {
       cout << "Congratulation!" << endl;
       cout << "Keep it up!" << endl;

    cout<<"Input a number [0-100]: ";
    // if-else
    if (mark >= 50) {
       cout << "Congratulation!" << endl;
       cout << "Keep it up!" << endl;
    } else {
       cout << "Try Harder!" << endl;

	cout<<"Input a number [0-100]: ";
    // nested-if
    if (mark >= 80) {
       cout << "A" << endl;
    } else if (mark >= 70) {
       cout << "B" << endl;
    } else if (mark >= 60) {
       cout << "C" << endl;
    } else if (mark >= 50) {
       cout << "D" << endl;
    } else {
       cout << "F" << endl;

    // switch-case
    char oper;
    int num1 = 1, num2 = 2, result = 0;
    cout<<"Input a char [+ - / *]: ";
    cin>> oper;
    switch (oper) {
       case '+':
          result = num1 + num2;
       case '-':
          result = num1 - num2;
       case '*':
          result = num1 * num2;
       case '/':
          result = num1 / num2;
          cout << "Unknown operator" << endl;
    return 0;


Input a number [0-100]: 50
Keep it up!
Input a number [0-100]: 40
Try Harder!
Input a number [0-100]: 85
Input a char [+ - / *]: +
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Conditional Operator: A conditional operator is a ternary (3-operand) operator, in the form of booleanExpr ? trueExpr : falseExpr. Depending on the booleanExpr, it evaluates and returns the value of trueExpr or falseExpr.

// return either "PASS" or "FAIL", and put to cout
cout << (mark >= 50) ? "PASS" : "FAIL" << endl;

max = (a > b) ? a : b;   // RHS returns a or b
abs = (a > 0) ? a : -a;  // RHS returns a or -a

Braces: You could omit the braces { }, if there is only one statement inside the block. For example,

if (mark >= 50)
   cout << "PASS" << endl;   // Only one statement, can omit { } but not recommended
else {                       // more than one statements, need { }
   cout << "FAIL" << endl;
   cout << "Try Harder!" << endl;

However, we recommend that you keep the braces, even though there is only one statement in the block, to improve the readability of your program.

Loop Flow Control

Again, there are a few types of loops: for-loop, while-do, and do-while.

// for-loop
int sum = 0;
for (int number = 1; number <= 100; ++number) {
   sum += number;

// while-do
int sum = 0, number = 1;
while (number <= 100) {
   sum += number;

// do-while
int sum = 0, number = 1;
do {
   sum += number;
} while (number <= 100);

Prompt user for an upperbound. Sum the integers from 1 to a given upperbound and compute its average.

 * Sum from 1 to a given upperbound and compute their average.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int sum = 0;     // Store the accumulated sum
   int upperbound;
   cout << "Enter the upperbound: ";
   cin >> upperbound;

   // Sum from 1 to the upperbound
   for (int number = 1; number <= upperbound; ++number) {
      sum += number;
   cout << "Sum is " << sum << endl;
   cout << "Average is " << (double)sum / upperbound << endl;

   // Sum only the odd numbers
   int count = 0;     // counts of odd numbers
   sum = 0;           // reset sum
   for (int number=1; number <= upperbound; number=number+2) {
      sum += number;
   cout << "Sum of odd numbers is " << sum << endl;
   cout << "Average is " << (double)sum / count << endl;


Enter the upperbound: 15
Sum is 120
Average is 8
Sum of odd numbers is 64
Average is 8
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Interrupting Loop Flow - "break" and "continue"

The break statement breaks out and exits the current (innermost) loop.

The continue statement aborts the current iteration and continue to the next iteration of the current (innermost) loop.

break and continue are poor structures as they are hard to read and hard to follow. Use them only if absolutely necessary. You can always write the same program without using break and continue.

The following program lists the non-prime numbers between 2 and an upperbound.

 *  List non-prime from 1 to an upperbound.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int upperbound;
   cout << "Enter the upperbound: ";
   cin >> upperbound;
   for (int number = 2; number <= upperbound; ++number) {
      // Not a prime, if there is a factor between 2 and sqrt(number)
      int maxFactor = (int)sqrt(number);
      for (int factor = 2; factor <= maxFactor; ++factor) {
         if (number % factor == 0) {   // Factor?
            cout << number << " ";
            break;   // A factor found, no need to search for more factors
   cout << endl;
   return 0;


Enter the upperbound: 20
4 6 8 9 10 12 14 15 16 18 20
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Let's rewrite the above program to list all the primes instead. A boolean flag called isPrime is used to indicate whether the current numberis a prime. It is then used to control the printing.

 *  List primes from 1 to an upperbound.
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int upperbound;
   cout << "Enter the upperbound: ";
   cin >> upperbound;
   for (int number = 2; number <= upperbound; ++number) {
      // Not a prime, if there is a factor between 2 and sqrt(number)
      int maxFactor = (int)sqrt(number);
      bool isPrime = true;  // boolean flag to indicate whether number is a prime
      for (int factor = 2; factor <= maxFactor; ++factor) {
         if (number % factor == 0) {   // Factor?
            isPrime = false;   // number is not a prime
            break;   // A factor found, no need to search for more factors
      if (isPrime) cout << number << " ";
   cout << endl;
   return 0;


Enter the upperbound: 100
2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97
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Study the following program using break and continue.

/* A mystery series */
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int number = 1;
   while (true) {
      if ((number % 3) == 0) continue;
      if (number == 53) break;
      if ((number % 2) == 0) {
         number += 3;
      } else {
         number -= 3;
      cout << number << " ";
   cout << endl;
   return 0;


5 4 2 7 11 10 8 13 17 16 14 19 23 22 20 25 29 28 26 31 35 34 32 37 41 40 38 43 47 46 44 49 53 52
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Terminating Program

There are a few ways that you can terminate your program, before reaching the end of the programming statements.

exit(): You could invoke the function exit(int exitCode), in <cstdlib> (ported from C's "stdlib.h"), to terminate the program and return the control to the Operating System. By convention, return code of zero indicates normal termination; while a non-zero exitCode (-1) indicates abnormal termination. For example,

abort(): The header <cstdlib> also provide a function called abort(), which can be used to terminate the program abnormally.

if (errorCount > 10) {
   cout << "too many errors" << endl;
   exit(-1);  // Terminate the program
              // OR abort();

Nested Loops

The following diagram illustrates a nested for-loop, i.e., an inner for-loop within an outer for-loop.

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 *  Print triangle pattern.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
   int size = 8;
   for (int row = 1; row <= size; ++row) {     // Outer loop to print all the rows
      for (int col = 1; col <= size-row+1; ++col) {  // Inner loop to print all the columns of each row
         cout << "## ";
      cout << endl;   // A row ended, bring the cursor to the next line

   return 0;


## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ```

![image desc](https://file.labex.io/namespace/df87b950-1f37-4316-bc07-6537a1f2c481/cpp/lab-cpp-flow-control/en/../assets/YKsxafi6PEVX.png)

The following constructs is commonly used:

while (true) { ...... }

It seems to be an endless loop (or infinite loop), but it is usually terminated via a `break` or `return` statement inside the loop body. This kind of code is hard to read - avoid if possible by re-writing the condition.


We introduced three control structures in this section. There are very useful. You can combine them together. Be careful for the loop, check the terminal condition, in case of endless loop.

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