What is the difference between the -b a and -n rz options in the nl command?

The Difference Between the -b a and -n rz Options in the nl Command

The nl command in Linux is used to add line numbers to the output of a file or command. The -b a and -n rz options in the nl command are used to specify the way the line numbers are displayed.

The -b a Option

The -b a option in the nl command stands for "number all lines". This option instructs the nl command to number all lines in the output, including blank lines.

For example, if we have a file named example.txt with the following content:

This is the first line.
This is the second line.

This is the fourth line.

Running the nl command with the -b a option would produce the following output:

1 This is the first line.
2 This is the second line.
4 This is the fourth line.

As you can see, all lines, including the blank line, are numbered.

The -n rz Option

The -n rz option in the nl command stands for "number format right justified with leading zeros". This option instructs the nl command to display the line numbers in a right-justified format with leading zeros.

For example, if we run the nl command with the -n rz option on the same example.txt file, the output would look like this:

001 This is the first line.
002 This is the second line.
004 This is the fourth line.

Notice that the line numbers are now right-justified and have leading zeros, making them a fixed width of 3 characters.

Mermaid Diagram

Here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the difference between the -b a and -n rz options in the nl command:

graph TB A[nl command] --> B{Options} B --> C['-b a'] B --> D['-n rz'] C --> E[Number all lines] D --> F[Right-justified with leading zeros]


In summary, the -b a option in the nl command numbers all lines, including blank lines, while the -n rz option displays the line numbers in a right-justified format with leading zeros. Choosing the appropriate option depends on your specific needs and the desired output format.


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