What are the basic numeric types in Python?


The Basic Numeric Types in Python

In Python, the basic numeric types are:

  1. Integers (int): Integers are whole numbers, both positive and negative, without any decimal points. They can be of arbitrary size, limited only by the available memory. For example, 42, -17, and 0 are all integers.

  2. Floating-point numbers (float): Floating-point numbers are used to represent real numbers with decimal points. They are stored in a fixed-size memory representation, which means they have a limited precision. Examples include 3.14, -2.718, and 0.0.

  3. Complex numbers (complex): Complex numbers are numbers that have both a real and an imaginary part. They are represented in the form a + bj, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part. For example, 3 + 4j is a complex number.

Here's a Mermaid diagram that illustrates the basic numeric types in Python:

graph TD Numeric_Types["Numeric Types in Python"] Integers["Integers (int)"] Floats["Floating-point numbers (float)"] Complex["Complex numbers (complex)"] Numeric_Types --> Integers Numeric_Types --> Floats Numeric_Types --> Complex

Let's explore each of these numeric types in more detail:

Integers (int)

Integers are the most basic numeric type in Python. They can represent whole numbers, both positive and negative, without any decimal places. Integers can be of arbitrary size, limited only by the available memory on the system.

Here's an example of working with integers in Python:

# Assigning integer values
x = 42
y = -17
z = 0

# Performing arithmetic operations with integers
print(x + y)  # Output: 25
print(x - y)  # Output: 59
print(x * y)  # Output: -714
print(x / y)  # Output: -2.4705882352941178
print(x // y) # Output: -2 (integer division)
print(x % y)  # Output: 8 (modulo)

Floating-point numbers (float)

Floating-point numbers are used to represent real numbers with decimal points. They are stored in a fixed-size memory representation, which means they have a limited precision. This can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior when working with floating-point arithmetic, due to the way they are represented in the computer's memory.

Here's an example of working with floating-point numbers in Python:

# Assigning floating-point values
x = 3.14
y = -2.718
z = 0.0

# Performing arithmetic operations with floats
print(x + y)  # Output: 0.4200000000000001
print(x - y)  # Output: 5.858
print(x * y)  # Output: -8.53506
print(x / y)  # Output: -1.1550036175710594

Complex numbers (complex)

Complex numbers are numbers that have both a real and an imaginary part. They are represented in the form a + bj, where a is the real part and b is the imaginary part. Complex numbers are useful in various fields, such as electrical engineering, signal processing, and quantum mechanics.

Here's an example of working with complex numbers in Python:

# Assigning complex values
x = 3 + 4j
y = -2 - 1j
z = 0 + 0j

# Performing arithmetic operations with complex numbers
print(x + y)  # Output: (1+3j)
print(x - y)  # Output: (5+3j)
print(x * y)  # Output: (-2-13j)
print(x / y)  # Output: (-0.6-1.2j)

In summary, the basic numeric types in Python are integers (int), floating-point numbers (float), and complex numbers (complex). Each of these types has its own characteristics and use cases, and understanding them is crucial for effective programming in Python.


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