Exploring Rust Tuples and Transposing Matrices

# Introduction In this lab, we explore tuples in Rust. Tuples are collections of values of different types and are constructed using parentheses. They can be used as function arguments and return values, allowing functions to return multiple values. Tuples can also be used as members of other tuples. Rust provides tuple indexing to access values in a tuple. Tuples are printable and can be destructured to create bindings. Additionally, we learn how to add the `fmt::Display` trait to a struct to customize its printing format. Finally, we are given an activity to implement a `transpose` function that swaps two elements in a matrix. > **Note:** If the lab does not specify a file name, you can use any file name you want. For example, you can use `main.rs`, compile and run it with `rustc main.rs && ./main`.

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