Stopwatch Using Python and Tkinter

# Introduction In this project, we will create a simple stopwatch application using Python and Tkinter. The stopwatch will have functionality to start, stop, reset, and quit. We will use the Tkinter library for the graphical user interface (GUI) components and the time library for time-related operations. ## 👀 Preview ![Alt text]( ## ðŸŽŊ Tasks In this project, you will learn to: - Import necessary libraries for GUI and time-related operations - Define a StopWatch class that extends the Frame class - Create GUI components for the stopwatch - Update the elapsed time and display it in the GUI - Implement functionality to start, stop, and reset the stopwatch - Create a main function to initialize the StopWatch object and add buttons for interaction ## 🏆 Achievements In this project, you will learn: - How to create a GUI application using Tkinter in Python - How to work with time-related operations in Python - How to implement functionality for a stopwatch

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