Racing Game Using Pygame | Challenge

# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to create a simple racing game using the Pygame library. The game involves a player car and multiple enemy cars. The player car can be moved left and right using the arrow keys, while the enemy cars move down the screen. The goal is to avoid collisions with the enemy cars for as long as possible. The game will display a game over screen when a collision occurs and allow the player to restart the game by pressing the "R" key. ## 👀 Preview ![Racing Game Preview]( ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn to: - Set up the game window and import necessary libraries - Define colors and load car images - Define the player car - Define the enemy cars - Define game over variables and font - Implement the game logic - Display the game over screen - Quit the game ## 🏆 Achievements In this project, you will learn: - How to use the Pygame library to create a game window - How to load and display images in a game - How to handle collisions between game objects - How to implement a game loop for continuous gameplay - How to handle user input to control game objects - How to display text on the screen using Pygame's font module

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