Python Type Conversion

# Introduction In the midst of the scorching Saharan sands lies one of the ancient world's most enigmatic wonders: the Great Pyramid of Giza. Within its labyrinthine chambers, scrolls of knowledge await discovery by those savvy enough to decipher their secrets. You are Akhmenrah, an esteemed Egyptian scholar, adept in the mystical arts and sciences. Your goal: to decode a series of numeric inscriptions that are believed to unlock the paths to hidden chambers. As you traverse through the dimly lit passages, it becomes evident that the numeric inscriptions are not in a format that your ancient tools can interpret. You must convert these enigmatic numbers from one type to another, utilizing a mystical artifact recently uncovered: the Python of Transformation. Your task is to master the Python's power of type conversion, allowing you to transmute strings into numbers, integers into floats, and unleash the arcane energies needed to access the pyramid's core. Only by successfully harnessing this power can you achieve your goal and reveal the pyramid's true secrets.

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