Python Class Methods and Static Methods

# Introduction In a galaxy dominated by the Hegemony Planet Empire, the realms of the empire flourish under the watchful eyes of the Imperial Territory Guardians. These guardians are responsible for maintaining order and ensuring that the empire's decreed protocols are upheld. Recently, the guardians have been tasked with deploying and managing a network of stealth drones to monitor the imperial borders. As a team of coders drafted by the Imperial Tech Division, your objective is to design the software that governs the drone fleet. The key focus of this lab is to utilize Python's class methods and static methods to create a control system that is both efficient and modular. Your software will ensure that the guardians can easily manipulate the drone behaviors and analyze data collected across various sectors without duplicating code. Are you ready to fulfill your duty to the empire and exhibit your allegiance through lines of code? Let's begin.

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