Grouping Employees by Phone Number

# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to group employees based on the last digit of their phone numbers and save the groups to separate CSV files. This project is designed to help you develop skills in file handling, data processing, and CSV file management using Python. ## 👀 Preview ```python # Input: python ls ls Groups # Output: Groups roster.csv Tail_num_0.csv Tail_num_2.csv Tail_num_4.csv Tail_num_6.csv Tail_num_8.csv Tail_num_1.csv Tail_num_3.csv Tail_num_5.csv Tail_num_7.csv Tail_num_9.csv ``` ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn: - How to set up the project environment and prepare the necessary files - How to implement the logic to group employees based on the last digit of their phone numbers - How to save the grouped data to separate CSV files - How to verify the contents of the generated CSV files ## 🏆 Achievements After completing this project, you will be able to: - Understand how to work with CSV files in Python - Develop skills in data processing and grouping - Demonstrate your ability to create and manage files and folders programmatically - Apply your Python programming knowledge to a real-world problem

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