Fix the Incorrectly Implemented Lab Class

# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to implement and test the `Lab` class in the LabEx backend code. The `Lab` class is a core component that represents an experiment within the LabEx platform. ## 👀 Preview ```python lab.tags=['python', 'data science', 'machine learning'] can user1 started the experiment: True can user2 started the experiment: False ``` ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn: - How to implement the `insert_tag` method to ensure that duplicate tags are not added to the lab object - How to implement the `can_be_started` method to determine whether a user can start the experiment, allowing only authenticated and member users to do so - How to test the `Lab` class to ensure it is working as expected ## 🏆 Achievements After completing this project, you will be able to: - Understand the importance of properly implementing core classes in a backend system - Demonstrate the ability to write clean, maintainable, and bug-free code for a class - Gain experience in testing and validating the functionality of a class

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