COVID-19 Data Analysis with Python

# Introduction In this project, you will learn how to analyze COVID-19 data using Python. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world, and understanding the data is crucial for tracking the spread of the virus and making informed decisions. ## 👀 Preview ```json { "Confirmed": { "Africa": 1203094, "America": 6396173, "Asia": 6480321, "Europe": 3450299, "Oceania": 27346, "Others": 721, "Total": 17557954 }, "Deaths": { "Africa": 28289, "America": 254610, "Asia": 133186, "Europe": 206438, "Oceania": 576, "Others": 15, "Total": 623114 }, "Recovered": { "Africa": 930536, "America": 5087347, "Asia": 5163062, "Europe": 1927545, "Oceania": 21892, "Others": 651, "Total": 13131033 }, "Active": { "Africa": 244269, "America": 1054216, "Asia": 1184073, "Europe": 1316316, "Oceania": 4878, "Others": 55, "Total": 3803807 } } ``` ## 🎯 Tasks In this project, you will learn: - How to set up the development environment and install the required Python libraries - How to understand the structure and content of the COVID-19 data - How to implement a function to convert country names to continent names - How to process the COVID-19 data and calculate the summary statistics for each continent - How to test the code and verify the output ## 🏆 Achievements After completing this project, you will be able to: - Understand how to work with CSV data in Python - Implement functions to process and analyze data - Convert data between different formats (e.g., CSV to JSON) - Gain experience in data analysis and visualization - Contribute to the understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic through data-driven insights

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